英文: A new method of constructing virtual resource bank system was proposed based on plug-in technology, thus solving the problem of having to recompile all codes when expanding and maintaining the system, empowering the virtual resource bank system with good
中文: 摘要提出了应用软件插件技术构建虚拟实验资源库系统的方法,解决了系统扩展和维护过程中需要重新编译所有源码的难题,使得应用该技术建立的虚拟实验资源库系统具有良好的可扩展性和可维护性。
英文: A system to allow plug-in support for different font types.
中文: 开放字体系统:允许插件式支持多种不同字体类型的系统。
英文: By then, next-generation technology, called plug-in hybrids, will offer motorists still better fuel efficiency as well as other perks: low-cost battery recharging overnight by simply connecting a 120-volt plug to an electrical outlet at home or work, very
中文: 到那个时候,称为「插电式」混合车的新世代技术,将为驾驶人提供更高的燃油效率,另外还有不少好处:电池充电的价格低廉,晚上回家时插上家中或办公室的120伏特交流电插座就可充电;每年只需要少少光顾几次加油站;甚至还有机会把多馀的电力卖回给电力公司。
英文: From an implementation point of view, a plug-in is never started until a class contained the in the plug-in needs to be loaded.
中文: 通过实现的角度来看,除非插件中的一个类需要加载,插件不会运行。
英文: However, it is important to realize that your plug-in can be started in many different circumstances.
中文: 但是,插件可以在许多不同的环境中启动,认识到这一点很重要。