英文: But with its president, Hu Jintao, under pressure to look statesmanlike as a guest of the G8 in St Petersburg, it agreed on July 15th to a compromise, brokered by Britain, that still strongly condemned the missile tests and banned the transfer of missile-
中文: 7月15日,作为客人参加圣彼得堡G-8峰会的具有政治家品质和才能的中国国家主席胡锦涛在压力下同意妥协,经英国的斡旋,安理会通过了强烈谴责北朝鲜导弹试射行为并禁止向北朝鲜转让与导弹相关技术的决议。
英文: In an eagerly awaited speech at Jackson Hole, Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman, did his statesmanlike best to exude confidence, reiterating that although the central bank should not protect lenders and investors “from the consequences of their financial dec
中文: 在杰克逊霍尔业界殷切期望的讲话上,美联储主席贝南克颇具政治风范,信誓旦旦的重申尽管央行不应保护借贷双方“自己的金融决策后果”,但它会采取“必要”措施限制金融市场的动荡打击更广泛的经济领域。
英文: Up and down the country - Why not throughout the nation? Used when a politician needs to appear statesmanlike and non-partisan.
中文: 举国上下——为什么不干脆说全国呢?政治家想要显得特别重要、特别有风度的时候酷爱此词。