英文: A competitive remuneration package will be offered to successful candidates.
中文: 我们将为成功的应征者提供优厚的薪资待遇。
英文: Any other unit or individual must not draw any remuneration from the revenue. Conducting social-welfare donative sports contests must be approved by the civil affairs department.
中文: 其他任何单位和个人不得从中提取报酬。其中,举办社会福利募捐性体育竞赛,应当经民政部门核准。
英文: Apart from the information listed in the above paragraph, duration of the trust, methods of management of the trust property, remuneration of the trustee, methods of designation of new trustees, reasons for terminating a trust and other information may be
中文: 除前款所列事项外,可以载明信托期限、信托财产的管理方法、受托人的报酬、新受托人的选任方式、信托终止事由等事项。
英文: Article 11.For the purposes of item (4) of Article 3 of the Tax Law, the phrase a specific payment of income from remuneration for personal service is excessively highshall mean a payment received as remuneration for personal service with an amount of tax
中文: 第十一条税法第三条第四项所说的劳务报酬所得一次收入畸高,是指个人一次取得劳务报酬,其应纳税所得额超过20000元。
英文: Article 26 The trustee must not take advantage of the trust property to seek profits for his own except getting remuneration according to the provisions of this Law.
中文: 第二十六条受托人除依照本法规定取得报酬外,不得利用信托财产为自己谋取利益。