英文: There will be a lot more hurricanes and a lot more other natural disasters to befall the United States and the world in that time, I hope none worse than Katrina,NASA Administrator Michael Griffin said at a news conference.
中文: 美国宇航局最新公布的探月计划将使用新一代登月飞船和阿波罗飞船的部分组件,目标是在2018年将人类再次送上月球。
英文: About 45,000 people were killed by hurricanes in the 20th century, including some 15,000 in the United States.
中文: 20世纪约有45000人在飓风中丧生,其中美国有15000人。
英文: Also called cyclones or typhoons, hurricanes are giant storms prowling the world's tropical seas.
中文: 飓风也被称作旋风或台风,是游弋于地球热带海域的巨型风暴。
英文: And, by extending the method to other sites (Dr Miller now has data from South Carolina and Florida, as well as Georgia), it should be possible to look for long-term patterns in the frequency of hurricanes and to answer questions that are of interest to i
中文: 而且,将此方法沿用于其他地点(米勒教授现已掌握了南加利福尼亚州、弗洛里达州以及乔治亚州的数据),可揭示长期内飓风发生频率的模式,并能解答诸如保险公司和气象人员所感兴趣的那些问题。
英文: By 2040, the average annual cost of hurricanes in the US alone would rise from $9.5bn to $11.4bn.
中文: 到2040年,单是美国的年平均飓风损失成本就将从95亿美元增至114亿美元。