英文: Adventitious Describing plant organs that arise in unexpected places, for example the devdlopmant of adventitious roots from stems, and adventitious buds from leaves.
中文: 不定的:用来描述未在预期位置产生的植物器官,例如从茎上产生的不定根,叶子上产生的不定芽。
英文: Coppice (copse) A woodland managed for wood production by cutting trees back to ground level at regular intervals (usually 10-15 years) and allowing adventitious shoots to grow up from the base.
中文: 萌生林(杂树林):在森林更新作业中,由树木的定期伐桩(通常是10-15年)和根萌蘖而形成的森林。
英文: If adventitious sounds are auscultated, have client cough. Listen again with stethoscope to determine sound has cleared with coughing.
中文: 如有附加音,嘱病人咳嗽。再次听诊以确定附加音是否随咳嗽消失。
英文: In works of imagination and sentiment meter is but adventitious to composition.
中文: 在想像的或情感的作品里,音节在写作中只是偶然的。
英文: It is most important to recognize the characteristics including cylindrical section of rhizome (Yuanlu), drooping adventitious root tuber (Xiachuiding), wirelike wrinkles on tap shoulder (Tiexianwen) and some slender pliable warty fibrous roots (Zhenvuxu)
中文: 、主根肩部的线形收缩纹(铁线纹)及带疣状突起的细长柔韧的须根系(珍珠须)是最重要的鉴别性状。