英文: According to the growth of market and ecnomic and finance situation, People's Bank of China will coordinate the range of floating exchange rate properly.
中文: 中国人民银行将根据市场发育状况和经济金融形势,适时调整汇率浮动区间。
英文: Article 32 A unitary and well-managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand will be implemented for the exchange rates of Renminbi.
中文: 第三十二条人民币汇率实行以市场供求为基础的、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制度。
英文: Article 33 The exchange rate for Renminbi is a single, managed floating exchange rate based on market demand and supply.
中文: 第三十三条人民币汇率实行以市场供求基础的、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制度。
英文: From now on, China will be starting in the next 10 years to do a comprehensive and forward-looking policies of the international financial considerations, must be clear in their appreciation of the renminbi, a floating exchange rate and opening the capita
中文: 从现在开始,中国必须开始将自己在未来十年里的国际金融政策做通盘的前瞻性考虑,必须搞清楚本国在人民币升值,浮动汇率与开放资本账户等根本性问题上的基本立场。
英文: Inflation targeting has been adopted by several countries with floating exchange rate systems, as a way to anchor inflation expectations.
中文: 通货膨胀目标制已经被一些实行浮动汇率制的国家所采用,并以此所作为给通货膨胀预期“刹车”的一种方式。