英文: Even if the coin toss came out the right way and the party that would have won in a fair trial did win the coin toss, the decision that resulted from the flip of a coin would be criticized as illegitimate.
中文: 即使本该在公正审判中获胜的一方以抛硬币的决断方式获胜,我们也同样会指责这种方式得来的结果是不正当的。
英文: No one can be deprived of liberty (that is, put in jail or otherwise restrained from freedom of action) without a fair trial and only for serious cause.
中文: 每一个人都必须经过公平的审判,并且只有在严重的原因之下,才可以被剥夺其自*由(亦即被关进监牢里或其他限制自*由行动的场所)。
英文: The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case.
中文: 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
英文: The attorney-general's attempt to gag the press in an affair of such political importance has sparked a fierce debate, once again, over how to balance the often competing interests of press freedom, a defendant's right to a fair trial and the public's rig
中文: 总检察长企图在此类政治意义重大的事件上打压媒体,再次掀起了激烈的论战——如何平衡新闻自由、被告得到公平审判权以及公共知悉罪犯受罚权这几种经常相互冲突的权益。
英文: The unfair trial was a mockery of justice.
中文: 那不公的审判是对公正的一种愚弄。