英文: People will listen to you, but you've got to cut to the chase.Katherine Walker, the editor-in-chief of Reader's Digest British edition, said London was tenth out of 18 European cities tested.
中文: 《读者文摘》英国版总编凯瑟琳?沃克在谈到伦敦在测试的18个欧洲城市中排第十位时说:“大家会听你讲话,但是你必须开门见山,直奔主题。”
英文: BILE DUCT - Large tube-like structure that delivers bile from the liver to the intestine to help digest food.
中文: 胆管——大的管道,该组织结构从肝脏传送胆汁到肠以帮助消化食物。
英文: Bariatric surgery involves either bypassing or drastically reducing the size of the stomach in order to decrease the amount of food a person is able to digest or eat.
中文: 减重手术包括胃绕道手术或大幅缩小胃容量,以减少可消化或吃下的食物量。
英文: Besides, gel substance made from pectin cellulose in intestine,makes digestive and carbohydrate mix together,this can defer intestine to digest and absorb the monosackcharide substance, thus reduce blood sugar.
中文: 另外,果胶纤维素在肠道内形成的凝胶物质,使消化酶和碳水化合物混合,能延缓肠道对单糖物质的消化和吸收,从而使血糖降低。
英文: Enacting as the fire of digestion, I entering into the body of every living entity digest the four types of foodstuffs by the auspices of the incoming and outgoing life breath.
中文: 扮演着消化之火的角色,通过吸入和呼出的生命运动,“我”进入每一个生物体而消化四类食物。