英文: Archaeological records show that the Minoan culture spread its dominion throughout the nearby islands of the Aegean, very roughly from 3000 years BC to about 1400 years BC.
中文: 考古学的记录表明了克里特文明把它的主权延伸到爱琴海的周边岛屿,粗略地估计是大约在公元前3000年到公元前1400年。
英文: By Egyptian legend, the inhabitants of Keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting, with unarmed Minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls.
中文: 埃及的传说,克弗悌乌的居民会参加斗牛仪式,还有克里特文明的角斗士徒手摔跤以及跳牛比赛。
英文: Let's have a look at the evidence which suggests that Minoan Crete and surrounding islands bear a striking resemblance to what Plato described as Atlantis.
中文: 让我们看看克里特文明的克里特岛和周边岛屿的证据,与柏拉图描述的亚特兰蒂斯惊人地相似。
英文: Regardless of the legend, Minoan culture extended across the island of Crete, with most of its developments along the northern coast of Crete.
中文: 抛开传说,克里特文明延伸,越过希腊岛屿,它延着希腊北岸,有着最大的发展。
英文: Santorini was also a Minoan land, and ruins can be found throughout the island.
中文: 圣多里尼也是克里特的国土,整个岛屿都可以找到遗迹。