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Santorini was also a Minoan land, and ruins can be found throughout the island.

Santino Corleone: Niggers are having a good time with our policy banks in Harlem. Driving new Cadillacs, paying 50 per cent on a bet. 黑鬼对我们哈林区的银行新政策非常满意。开着新凯迪拉克我先帮他们付一半的钱。
Santino Corleone: Sollozzo might not even be in the car, Sonny! 索拉索也许根本就不在车上,山尼!
Santino Corleone: Then business will have to suffer. And listen, do me a favour. No more advice on how to patch things up. Just help me win. 那生意必须要停,行吗?听着,帮我个忙,汤姆。别再建议我如何让事情过去。只要帮我赢,好吗?
Santo Domingo, founded in 1496, is the oldest European settlement in the Western Hemisphere. 圣多明哥市1496年是西半球最古老的欧洲人居住点。
Santorini was about 4 times larger than Krakatoa, and probably at least twice as violent. 圣多里尼比喀拉喀托大四倍,很可能至少比喀拉喀托猛烈两倍。
Santorini was also a Minoan land, and ruins can be found throughout the island. 圣多里尼也是克里特的国土,整个岛屿都可以找到遗迹。
Sanwei(3W) brand clean wiper products has three series,that is Polyester Wiper, Micro-Denier Woven Wiper and Micro-Denier Knitted Wiper. Detail type, specification and package as bellow. 三威(3W)牌无尘布产品有三种系列,既普通聚脂系列、机织超细纤维系列和针织超细纤维系列。具体型号、规格和包装详见下表。
Sanweishan fault is one of the Altun tectonic system which lies in the joint of the Huabei slab and Tarim slab. 摘要三危山断裂隶属阿尔金断裂体系,处于华北板块与塔里木板块的结合部位。
Sanxing Bamboo-wood CO.,LTD. is specially in Bamboo wooden artware and adopted the natural rare log and Daqi integrating with traditional wooden handicrafts and modern advanced exquisite production tecniques adding up with the advantage of no taste,smell 三星竹木有限公司专业从事竹木工艺产品的生产,产品以天然原木为原料,以中国传统木制手工艺融合现代先进技术精工生产,具有无味、无毒、不变质等优点。
Sanxingdui Museum is located in the northeast of Sanxingdui Ruins.It is 40km north of Chengdu.How and when were the ruins discovered? 三星堆博物馆位于三星堆遗址东北角,在成都以北40公里。三星堆是怎样被发现的,又是什么时候被发现的呢?
Sanyanghuaerti, refined antimony production sales. Antimony ores acquisitions, glass clarify agent production sales. 三氧化二锑、精锑的生产销售。锑矿石的收购,玻璃澄清剂的生产销售。

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