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By Egyptian legend, the inhabitants of Keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting, with unarmed Minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls.

By April the virus has spread to nearly 800 poultry farms and resulted in the culling of almost 11 million chickens. 到4月时病毒已经传播至将近800个家禽农场,结果几乎1100万只家禽感染。
By August 15th the British were gone. 八月十五日,英国人离开了印度。
By August of 1999, ailing President Boris Yeltsin appointed him prime minister. 1999年8月,身处困境的叶利钦总统任命他为总理。
By Easter morning, everything was finished. 到了复活节早上,每件事都完成了。
By Easter we were settled in, and we celebrated that special Sunday with a feast. 我屏住呼吸,慢慢地将打捞到的物品拉上水面。
By Egyptian legend, the inhabitants of Keftiu would engage in ritualistic bull fighting, with unarmed Minoan bullfighters wrestling and jumping over uninjured bulls. 埃及的传说,克弗悌乌的居民会参加斗牛仪式,还有克里特文明的角斗士徒手摔跤以及跳牛比赛。
By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse. 依照埃及人记载,克弗悌乌在一次天启中被海洋毁灭。
By European standards, London is physically spread out and dispersed, without a predominant focal point. (参考译文:按照欧洲的标准,伦敦可算是一座布局很分散的城市,没有一个占主导地位的中心。
By Feb. 2, 2002, China had added 14 new Ramsar sites, an achievement that WWF and SFA celebrated together as the 71st Gift To The Earth. 2002年2月2日,中国新增的14个国际重要湿地,被世界自然基金会确认为第71份“献给地球的礼物”,当时我们与国家林业局也在北京举行了隆重的庆祝仪式。
By February, unlicensed outlaws, who referred to themselves as independents protested the trust and carried on business without submitting to the Edison monopoly. 到了二月,那些自称为独立制片人但未经授权的违例者,并没有屈服于爱迪生的垄断,而是继续营业来抗议。
By Friday, flooding had killed 403 people and left 105 others missing and 3.17 million people had been relocated. 至周五,此次洪水灾难夺取了403条性命,105人失踪,317万人被转移。

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