英文: 2 years experience in sales or marketing experience in fast moving consumer goods is required.
中文: 具有2年以上的营销经验,需含快速消费品行业经验。
英文: A measure of the fluctuation in prices of common consumer goods and services over a fixed time period.
中文: 在一定时期内衡量常用消费品和服务价格波动情况的一种尺度。
英文: Because every factory or business established in the SEZs is new, imports of capital and consumer goods (except cigarettes and liquor) are exempted from customs duties, and a uniform 15% income-tax rate is applied.
中文: 因为经济特区中每一个工厂或企业都是新建的,所以进口资本货物和消费品(烟、酒除外)可以免除海关税,只收取统一的15%税率的所得税。
英文: Because every factory or business, established in SEZ is new, imports of capital and consumer goods are exempted from customs duties.
中文: 由于特区建立的工厂和企业都是新的,所以进口的生产资料和消费品要免征进口税。
英文: Consumer goods are desirable everywhere are modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets.
中文: 随处都是诱人的消费品,而且现代工业在处心积虑地创造新市场。