英文: In a chapter on cancer, for instance, his description of how the cells operate contains this starling analogy: “ In the community of living tissues, the uncontrolled mob of misfits that is cancer behaves like a gang of perpetually wilding adolescents.
中文: 比如说,在关于癌症的那一章里,他对细胞的活动作了这样惊人的类比:“在活细胞组织中,癌症就像是那些与社会格格不入的不受控制的暴民,他们的行为就像是一帮永远叛逆不羁的青少年。
英文: One of the main starling roosts is on top of the Town Hall.
中文: 市政厅的房顶是欧椋鸟的一个主要栖息处.
英文: Since 1972 the starling population has plummeted from about twenty million to ten million, says Richard Gregory of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.“There is no sign of recovery,” he adds.
中文: 1972年以来,其数量已从约2000万只锐减到1000万只,皇家鸟类保护学会的理查?德?格雷戈里说,“目前毫无好转的迹象。”