英文: Because parental work is energetically costly, and kinship generally favors cooperation, one possible explanation for kin preference in breeding in this species is that it offers a benefit by facilitating parental cooperation.
中文: 因为父母亲的工作是费力的,血缘关系常常更易合作,对该品种优先选择近亲繁殖的一种可能的解释是,近亲繁殖促进了父母亲的合作,从而使之受益。
英文: By giving us a taste of the kinship between our own small minds and the great Mind of the Cosmos, beauty reassures us that we are exactly and wonderfully made for life on this glorious planet, in this magnificent universe.
中文: 美在人类渺小的心灵和宇宙伟大的精魂之间,化身为一座沟通的桥梁,并以此让我们不再怀疑:在这片恢宏的宇宙中,在这颗璀璨的星球上,人类的存在实为天工之作,神明之意。
英文: For urban respondents, the kinship system was only a foundation upon which interpersonal relationships were developed.
中文: 这种凖身份,包含着亲密、信任及义务的规定性。
英文: I began to feel a kinship with Pharaoh and his ancient Egyptian subjects. I wouldn't have been surprised if it started raining blood or locusts commenced falling from the sky.
中文: 眼前的景象让我不禁联想到古埃及法老及其相关传说,此时就算天上开始降下血雨或是突然有数不清的蝗虫从天而降,我也不会感到奇怪。
英文: I did nothing but explore with my hands and learn the name of every object that I touched; and the more I handled things and learned their names and use s, the more joyous and confident grow my sense of kinship with the rest of the world.
中文: 整个夏天,我什麽也不做,只用我双手探究任何我碰触的对象,同时学习它们的名字;我探究的事物越多,包括学习它们的名称和用法,就会有更加的喜悦和自信促使我想亲近其他我还没遇到的更多事物。