英文: Subsidies distort investment: since the German government fixed the price for solar power at munificent levels, the country has been sucking in huge numbers of solar panels that could be put to better use in sunnier climes.
中文: 补贴也扰乱了投资:自从德国政府将太阳能供电价格调整为一个十分高昂的价格,这个国家的国库就一直被这些本该被按在更阳光充足的地区的太阳能供电板搞的焦头烂额。
英文: That the moneyed are munificent is welcome, but that the best brains in business take the giving seriously matters, too.
中文: 有钱人愿意慷慨解囊当然是好事,不过这些商业精英能认真处理捐赠也是意义重大。
英文: The next time the oil price falls or money runs short, it might end up having to offer even more munificent terms to lure the oilmen back.
中文: 下一次当石油价格回落或资金短缺时,它恐怕不得不开出更优厚的条件,招回那些石油伙伴了。