英文: A major discovery unfolded over the past five years as it became possible for scientists to compare accurate maps of the geomagnetic field taken 20 years apart.
中文: 过去五年里,由于科学家终于能够比对相隔20年所观测到地球磁场的准确分布,因而有了重大发现。
英文: Both cities set great store by foundation stories that were believed to have unfolded many centuries earlier.
中文: 他证实,罗马和耶路撒冷在某些有趣的地方可以一比,那便是统治两地的意识形态。
英文: Evil, the only novel of Bai Xianyong, has unfolded youth's idea course who live in masculine homosexuality kingdom lotus flower pond and who are exiled and deserted by the society; Simultaneously this novel lifts their wild trouble vertical representation
中文: 摘要《孽子》是白先勇的惟一一部长篇小说,展现了在莲花边的男性同性恋王国中生活的一群被家庭放逐被社会抛弃的野性少年的心路历程;同时掀开他们狂放患纵的表象,露出了是一块块被侮辱被蹂躏的浓血进流的疮疤,反映了以父权为代表的中国社会的同性恋的态度,表达了对人性尊严的呼唤与探索。
英文: From this point, Yi zhuan unfolded its ontological philosophical system.
中文: 由此展开了其易道本体论哲学体系。
英文: I can affirm that in my Condamné the drama unfolded from the meeting of the tone of this commentary with the tone of the dialogues.
中文: 我能确定,通过对话声调和解说词声调间这种融合使得《死囚越狱》已经完全脱离了戏剧。