Despite the Taliban's claims, it's been difficult to find independant confirmation of the number of civilian death in Kabul.
中文: 尽管塔利班声称死伤无数,但我们很难找到对于喀布尔平民死亡人数的独立确认。 更详细进入...
There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pa the pleasant voice to others.
中文: 我唱什么歌并无限制,只要它能发泄我的情绪,稚快乐的声音传给周遭的人就好了。 更详细进入...
He is lifeless that is faultless.
中文: 只有死人才无错误。/人孰无过。 更详细进入...
Although I knew, the jet black night is unable mine aspiration to pass on very much far.
中文: 尽管我知道,漆黑的夜无法将我的心声传得很远。 更详细进入...
However, they were afraid of sound and light.
中文: 这些无恶不做的坏东西害怕爆炸的声音和亮光。 更详细进入...
This file was digitised from a VHS recording of the programme. The picture quality is fair, however, the sound track has some occasional static, especially towards the beginning.
中文: 这个文件从节目的VHS转录。图片质量一般,声音特别是在开始部分偶尔有一些无声。 更详细进入...
Since one hears no music to respond to, the effect on the audience sitting in a quiet auditorium (hearing perhaps only the sound of someone shuffling his feet and the blood coursing through the ears) cannot be emotional identification or even the more aus
中文: 观众听不到音乐,做不出反应,坐在悄无声息的大厅里(也许只能听到有人在地上滑动双脚和血液流淌过耳边的声音,其效果是观众无法达到情感上的共鸣,更无法得到对形式和技巧的比较严肃的欣赏。 更详细进入...
Gong and drum sound s of diction old years olds, joyous song return by cheerful chatting winter jasmine, December 30 school of our school auditorium seething with people, have no empty seat, Celebrating New Year's Day in 2004, the joint performance of lit
中文: 锣鼓声声辞旧岁,欢歌笑语迎春归,12月30日我校校礼堂人声鼎沸、座无虚席,2004年庆元旦文艺汇演在这里徐徐拉开帷幕,来自13个县市的学生家长应邀前来观看。 更详细进入...
Thansfer adopts the whole aluminum case and the silent chain for the assembly structure more compact as well as realizes the light,low noise.
中文: 分动器采用全铝壳体、无声齿形链式传动,使总成结构紧凑,实现产品轻量化、低噪声。 更详细进入...
From the parrot with the loudest love song and the bird that travel hundreds of kilometres over the Himalayas to reach its mate, to the rhinoceros that tracks his lover's urine for miles, the top ten contenders are sure to teach us humans a thing or two.
中文: 论到谈情说爱,动物界中的大声公-鹦鹉一定给你深刻印象,不是因牠唱的情歌特别动听,而是牠唱得特别大声,特别嘈吵,但因为情人受落,旁人也无话可说。 更详细进入...
Will the lion roar in the forest When he has no prey? Will a young lion utter his voice from his den If he has not seized anything?
中文: 4狮子若无猎物,岂会在林中咆哮么?少壮狮子若无所得,岂会从洞中发声么? 更详细进入...
The old man's voice quavered.
中文: 这老人的声音颤抖著。 更详细进入...
The patient gave out a scream of pain.
中文: 病人痛苦地尖叫一声。 更详细进入...
The servant shuts the door with a bang.
中文: 仆人砰的一声关上门。 更详细进入...
Let your laughter be but a meaningless mirth like twinkles of light on the ripples.
中文: 让你的笑声只作为无意义的欢乐,像浪花上的闪光。 更详细进入...
To no avail: he has wordlessly continued to hit me on the head with his umbrella.
中文: 这全然无用:他还是继续一声不吭地用伞打我的头。 更详细进入...
[bbe] When the news comes to Egypt they will be bitterly pained at the fate of Tyre.
中文: 这风声传到埃及,埃及人为推罗的风声,极其疼痛。 更详细进入...
It introduced designs of acoustic structure of high sound insulation testing room, and applications in the field of sound-absorption, which provide reference for the professional personnel engaging noise control and architectural acoustics.
中文: 摘要介绍了高隔声测试室的声学结构设计及在吸声领域的应用,以供噪声控制和建筑声学专业人员参考。 更详细进入...
Their voices, no doubt, will barely be heard amid the deafening clamour for shares.
中文: 毫无疑问的是,在一片为股票发出的震耳欲聋的欢呼声中,他们的声音将很难被听见。 更详细进入...
His radio-friendly vocals scale heights unheard of since the days of Taiwanese choirboy Jeff Chang. And Tao is just as clean-cut, mind you.
中文: 他那种和谐的声音似乎从拥有唱诗班美声歌手张信哲之后就无所闻了.而且陶吉吉的声音乾净柔美触动你心弦. 更详细进入...