Enjoy this piece and the first thing that catches the eye is something to fall back on the pines and Health, which set off under the pines, the poetry of Li Bai's head, so as passionate generous.
中文: 欣赏此件作品,首先映入眼帘的是苍松依傍而生,这苍松的掩映之下,诗仙李白昂首而立,激昂慷慨。 更详细进入...
I wanted to be 7)beneficent in my gift-giving, but had to stop to think: Is there an equation that can determine how much jelly will supply peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for six months?
中文: 我很愿意慷慨解囊,但也不得不停下来考虑:要做六个月的花生酱果冻三文治,需要多少果冻才够呢? 更详细进入...
Multi-language UI that can be dynamically switched: The user interface of Foxit Reader now can be switched to different languages dynamically, thanks to the generous help from our user community.
中文: 多语言界面动态切换:用户界面现在可以动态地切换到不同的语言,感谢用户社区提供的慷慨帮助。 更详细进入...
One of the Knights of the Round Table was Lancelot. He came from France. Lancelot was kind and generous. He often gave his things to the poor.
中文: 圆桌骑士中有一位叫兰斯洛特的骑士,他来自法国。兰斯洛特为人和蔼、慷慨大方,他常常周济穷人。 更详细进入...
The federal government, running deficits as high as 100% of GNP, purchased many of these goods and provided easy financing so allies could do the same.
中文: 赤字高达国民生产总值的100%,联邦政府大量买下这些产品,并慷慨斥资,以便同盟国也能如此采购。 更详细进入...
For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father.
中文: 因为过份惦记领受的恩惠,就是怀疑施者的慷慨。而他有着以大地为母,以上帝为父的宽阔心胸。 更详细进入...
Since the benefit is not means-tested, it represents a big handout to millions of well-off people, but fails to cover large numbers of the needy.
中文: 因为津贴不是收入调查型的,它代表了对富裕者的慷慨赠与,却没有考虑到大量贫困者的利益。 更详细进入...
TRF depends upon the goodwill and generosity of its donors — careful financial management sustains the confidence of these donors.
中文: 扶轮基金会必须倚靠捐献者的善心及慷慨解囊—谨慎的财务管理可以维系这些支持者的信心。 更详细进入...
The following November, they celebrated a Thanksgiving for the bounty in the new land.
中文: 第二年十月,众人在马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯首次庆祝这个节日,为了纪念这片新土地上的慷慨。 更详细进入...
“89 in total,” Fidel told me as he issued a receipt to the man as proof of his generous donation of a dozen of eggs to the centre.
中文: “一共89枚,”菲德尔一边告诉我,一边给一个捐赠者开收据以证明他慷慨地为中心捐赠一打龟卵。 更详细进入...
Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.
中文: 原则6称赞最轻微的改进并且称赞每个改进。在你的许可过程中热情和在你的赞扬过程中慷慨。 更详细进入...
She personally encouraged Hollywood's millionaires to generously help the people devastated by the tsunami.
中文: 不仅于此,她还以她个人的名誉,鼓励和动员美国好莱坞的百万富翁慷慨解囊帮助遭受海啸的灾民。 更详细进入...
Zodiac's Nature : With a deep sense of justice, loyalty and responsibility. Having a glib tongue. Practical and realistic. They are also trustworthy and generous to others.
中文: 《生肖性格》以维护正义为己任。矢志忠诚,责任感极强。伶牙利齿,实事求是,而且为人慷慨大方,赢得一致信任。 更详细进入...
Except, of course, it is not free. The lunches are partly about networking and eating, but they are also about pitching products and sizing up talent.
中文: 当然,它不是慷慨之举。这些午餐不仅可以进行人际交往和填饱肚子,还是宣传产品和网罗人才的时机。 更详细进入...
Yet the relationship between pro bono and big firms has not been one-sided, with pro bono programs merely the lucky recipients of big-firm lar?gesse.
中文: 但公益性服务与大型律所的关系并不是单方面的,公益性计划并不仅仅是大型律所慷慨援助的接受方。 更详细进入...
And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day.
中文: 摩8:10我必使你们的节期变为悲哀、歌曲变为哀歌.众人腰束麻布、头上光秃.使这场悲哀如丧独生子、至终如痛苦的日子一样。 更详细进入...
That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words,and never stope.
中文: 它栖息在灵魂之中,唱着无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。 更详细进入...
Thanks in part to its oil wealth, Norway is one of the richest nations in the world, with a generous cradle-to-grave welfare system.
中文: 挪威的石油是使这个国家跻身世界上最富裕国家的原因之一,她拥有从生管到死的慷慨的福利体系。 更详细进入...
Things are changing though. Some Christians argue that gas-guzzling cars are a waste of the bountiful creation of their and the President's god.
中文: 情况已经发生了很大的变化。有些基督教徒认为那些耗油量极大的汽车是对上帝的慷慨仁慈的一种浪费。 更详细进入...
“To eat, to eat!” the Sales Director chucked back again benevolently, the cake was so hard that its residue did not dropped.
中文: “吃吧,你看你这个人……啧,啧!”“营业部主任”又慷慨地扔过来。那半块饼子已干得坚硬无比,扔来扔去都不会掉渣的。 更详细进入...