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    Consequently a name that is a junior homonym of another name must not be used as a valid name [Art. 52].

    中文: 因此,如果一个名称是另一个名称的次异物同名,该名称不可用作一个有效名称[第52条]。 更详细进入...
    It is suggested in this paper that the artistic characteristic of Taishigong's Words is shown in three respects: the diversification of express feelings, rich and colorful judgement language and strong essay characteristic.

    中文: 本文不揣谫陋,揭示出《史记》“太史公曰”文学特征的三个方面,即抒情方式的多样化、丰富多彩的论断语言和富于杂文气息。 更详细进入...
    Malfoy is described as pocketing Harry's and another Inquisitorial Squad member, probably Millicent Bullstrode, took Hermione's.

    中文: 据述是马尔福当时揣着哈利的魔杖,赫敏的那一根应该是让另一个调查行动组的成员拿着,有可能是米里森?伯斯德。 更详细进入...
    The name of the group will be the name of the element.

    中文: 元素的名称将会成为组的名称. 更详细进入...
    The second name in a binomen and in a trinomen [Art. 5].

    中文: 即一个二名式名称或三名式名称中的第二个名称[第5条]。 更详细进入...
    Display Application red, green, magenta-fired Ray image formation, Formation of this color theory known as RGB, which is widely used in television and computer display.

    中文: 显示器应用红、绿、兰的三原色原理发射光线形成图象,这种色彩形成的原理被称为RGB,它被广泛应用于电视和电脑显示器上。 更详细进入...
    An illness that medical officials are calling the Strawberries with Sugar Virusis sweeping Portuguese schools as children complain of symptoms similar to those suffered by characters in a television soap opera.

    中文: 一种被医学人员称为“甜草莓病毒”的疾病日前席卷了葡萄牙一些小学,孩子们声称他们的症状和一部电视肥皂剧里的角色所得病症相似。 更详细进入...
    An address term, or address form, refers to the word or words used to address somebody in speech or writing.

    中文: 称谓语或称谓形式指口头语和书面语中用于称呼某人的词语。 更详细进入...
    Israel has lined up tanks and troop carriers along a main road to Lebanon for what it calls “a limited ground push”.

    中文: 以色列在通往黎巴嫩的主干线上沿线部署坦克和运兵舰,称之为“有限度的地面推进”。 更详细进入...
    Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said Amenand Praise the LORD.

    中文: 36耶和华以色列的神,从亘古直到永远,是应当称颂的。众民都说,阿们。并且赞美耶和华。 更详细进入...
    Q5. Hellgate:London mixes many diverse genres. Is it a RPG? Is it a FPS?

    中文: 暗黑之门:伦敦中混合多重游戏元素,它到底算是角色扮演还是第一人称射击游戏呢? 更详细进入...
    The work up to[6] 1912 is known as[7] Analytical Cubism, concentrating on geometrical forms using subdued colors.

    中文: 到1912年,这种艺术被称为解析立体主义,主要运用柔和的色块来体现物体的几何形状。 更详细进入...
    This terroir also called la montagne (the mountain) in the Aloxe-Corton area produces the best red wines of Côte de Beaune.

    中文: 他的地域特色也在阿罗斯-高顿地区被称为“山脉”,他出产最好的波恩山坡等级的红酒。 更详细进入...
    This name conflicts with an existing group. Please choose a unique group name.

    中文: (此名称与现有群组名称冲突。请选择唯一的群组名称。) 您尝试命名新的自定义群组,但其名称与现有自定义群组的名称相同。 为新群组指定唯一的名称。 更详细进入...
    Bill would gig with him and rated him a fine musician with an unrivalled feel for the blues.

    中文: 门罗会和他一起演奏爵士乐,并称他是一位对蓝调音乐有着过人灵感的出色音乐家。 更详细进入...
    This terroir also called la montagne (the mountain) in the Aloxe-Corton area produces the best red wines of C?te de Beaune.

    中文: 他的地域特色也在阿罗斯-高顿地区被称为“山脉”,他出产最好的波恩山坡等级的红酒。 更详细进入...
    When Hezekiah and the rulers came and saw the heaps, they blessed the Lord and His people Israel.

    中文: 代下31:8希西家和众首领来看见堆垒、就称颂耶和华。又为耶和华的民以色列人祝福。 更详细进入...
    A distinguishing name or title.

    中文: 名称,称号(用于区分的)名字或头衔 更详细进入...
    He who praises everybody praises nobody.

    中文: 称许所有的人,反而称许不到任何人。 更详细进入...
    Or if you want to, call it God; call it God or nirvana or Tao or whatsoever you will.

    中文: 如果你愿意,称它为神;称它为神或涅盘或道或你想称的任何东西。 更详细进入...

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