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It is suggested in this paper that the artistic characteristic of Taishigong's Words is shown in three respects: the diversification of express feelings, rich and colorful judgement language and strong essay characteristic.

It is such an enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes. 正是这样对生命的热爱使我们眼中焕发出光彩。
It is such an important position that Xincheng area is called the gate entering to Xi`an . 区内的西安火车站、陕西省汽车站、城东客运站是西安乃至西北的重要交通枢纽,新城素有古城西安“门户”之称。
It is such exposure that gives one an opportunity to bring one's vibration up to the next notch, and then release the patterning and karma triggered in such a vibrational bandwidth. 也就是这样的日光沐浴,赋予一个人将振动带到下一个入口的机会,接着释放被此类振动频宽所触发的模式和业力。
It is such hot weather that many people go swimming in the river. 天气这么热,很多人都到河里去游泳。
It is such “tangible and intangible ridges” that force people to connect closely, live rationally, and never slacken their effort. 正是那些“有形、无形”的过不去的“坎”,迫使人们紧密联系、理性生存、不敢有所懈怠。
It is suggested in this paper that the artistic characteristic of Taishigong's Words is shown in three respects: the diversification of express feelings, rich and colorful judgement language and strong essay characteristic. 本文不揣谫陋,揭示出《史记》“太史公曰”文学特征的三个方面,即抒情方式的多样化、丰富多彩的论断语言和富于杂文气息。
It is suggested that Line 12 passing underneath Line 1 shall adopt the freezing process of solid and mining method. 对推荐换乘枢纽提出了水平孔冻结加固、矿山法构筑穿越段的施工方法。
It is suggested that because the volcanic reservoir has very high heterogeneity, waterflooding process should not be adopted rashly in the early production period until obtaining experiences from clustered-well lest: infill drilling and adjustment during 指出,由于火山岩储集层非均质性极强,在火山岩油藏开发初期切不可贸然采用注水开发,应在实验井组中取得经验后,方可逐步推广;开发初期,实施加密井调整措施,可提高储集层动用程度,延长油藏无水开采期,改善开发效果;开发中期钻一定数量的水平井,可进一步提高单井产能,使油藏保持较长期的稳产、高产。
It is suggested that cultivating industrial cluster and promoting foreign enterprises' communication with local economy and culture are basic methods to make foreign enterprises localize. 并提出培育产业集群,促进园区内企业与当地的经济文化交流,是加强外来企业的根植性,使外来企业真正实现本地化的根本手段。
It is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and countryside. They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants' lives. They ought to invite some experts in agricu 应该邀请农业专家向农民介绍他们的经验,知识和信息,这些将有助于发展农村经济。
It is suggested that in the regions of aqueous soil with faster seepage velocity, either the tube-wells can be spaced adequately closer or for the same spacing the number of tube-wells and length of tubes can be reduced under the condition of assuring reg 在渗流速度较大的富水地区,在保证常规换热效果的情况下,管井间距可适当减小,或在同样管井间距下,可减少管井数量或减小理管长度。

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