Aegidius Romanus is a typical representative of papal ideologists in the th century western debate between the papal and the secular.
中文: 埃吉狄厄斯·科朗纳是西方 世纪教、俗论战中教皇派思想家的典型代表。 更详细进入...
Let us guard we arrogant beautiful love together.
中文: 让我们一起捍卫我们骄傲明媚的爱情. 更详细进入...
Due to his outrageous behavior, Michael Jackson is regarded by many as an extremely strange man.
中文: 麦克尔·杰克逊惊世骇俗的行径,常让许多人认为他是个极度怪异的人。 更详细进入...
However, when advertising people have to face the account sales numbers everyday, the art would be despiritualized.
中文: 然而,当广告人每天都要接受销售数字的检验时,艺术难免会被世俗化。 更详细进入...
1669 Rembrandt, famous Dutch painter, died at Amsterdam.
中文: 荷兰著名画家伦勃朗在阿姆斯特丹去世。 更详细进入...
Gross; coarse. Used of speech or language.
中文: 言谈粗俗的粗野的;粗俗的。用语谈话或语言 更详细进入...
You and I have the same thoughts as to Chinese worship of foreigners blindly.
中文: 关于中国人崇洋媚外,我和你有同样的感受。 更详细进入...
You'll be in a super soft, feminine mode this summer, Libra, especially in July.
中文: 天秤:温柔娇媚、伶俐可爱的服饰都很适合你。 更详细进入...
Do in Rome as the Romans do.
中文: 入乡随俗. 更详细进入...
The News of the World says United have requested FIVE tickets for today's play-off game against AZ Alkmaar.
中文: 《世界新闻报》说曼联在阿贾克斯和阿尔克马尔的比赛中预定了五张球票。 更详细进入...
Although biblical texts were central, there were plenty of other subjects, including maths and secular literature.
中文: 尽管圣经是主要内容,学校也教授其他许多学科,包括数学和世俗文学。 更详细进入...
Instrument complex in literature education makes the literature education lack its independence, which is restricted by customs and expediency.
中文: 摘要文学教育的工具情结使文学教育缺乏独立性,被世俗功利所牵制。 更详细进入...
Thus we need to be wary of the prevalent positivism and secularization tendency in the understanding of Marx.
中文: 由此,应该防止日益兴盛的把马克思实证主义化和世俗主义化的倾向。 更详细进入...
The coming of the society of common customs makes the desire of despise , the human spirit of interests, and the traditional morals very weak in thoughts.
中文: 世俗化社会的到来,使得以往的轻视欲望,利益的人文精神和传统道德均显示出思想的无力性,因而今后的人文关怀应该是尊重欲望,世俗享乐的存在关怀而不是终极关怀。 更详细进入...
I hate talking with her because she keeps making goo-goo eyes at me!
中文: 我不喜欢和她说话,死女人老对我抛媚眼! 更详细进入...
The rise of the Ahom Kingdom dominated the history of North-East India during the period from 13(superscript th) to^19 century.
中文: 摘要十三世纪至十九世纪印度东北部的历史当属阿洪王国的历史。 更详细进入...
Ben:Women are too unpredictable. Shake it off. Go chase another pretty!
中文: 女人心难测ㄚ!醒醒吧,去追另一个美媚嘛! 更详细进入...
From early spring to late autumn, the real scarf a gift to you a bit murky.
中文: 从深秋到初春,本真丝巾送给您几分妩媚。 更详细进入...
[NIV] keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife.
中文: 能保你远离恶妇,远离23外女谄媚的舌头。 更详细进入...
It intentionally distorts the history of the New May 4 literature in terms of the gradual development in its nationalization, popularization and suiting both the refined and popular tastes, thus paving the way for vulgar literature.
中文: 其次,“两个翅膀论”故意在严肃文学、通俗文学与低俗文学之间制造混乱,故意曲解“五四”新文学一步步民族化、通俗化,雅俗共赏的历史,为低俗文学鸣锣开道。 更详细进入...