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    On 10th Apr., 2004 PKU Top 10 Song Match with subject of “My Music, I Decide” was held at the Century Hall.

    中文: 4月10日,主题为“我的音乐我做主”的2004年北大十佳歌手大赛在百年纪念讲堂隆重举行。 更详细进入...
    This article presents a discussion on the feasibility of using dye-gelatine type anti-halation layer technique in aerial photographic film.A series of delicate technical problems were solved smoothly,consequently creating a sound basis for running normal

    中文: 一、前言人类赖以生存的环境只有一个--地球,而从目前的状况来看,地球的生态环境正在日趋恶化.其恶化的基本因素在于人为形成的三废,即废渣、废气和废液.而五颜六色的废弃包装产品和包装材料又是产生废物的重要来源之一. 更详细进入...
    Be kind to others is to be kind to ourselves.

    中文: 善待别人,等于善待自己。 更详细进入...
    Acts 7:6 And God spoke in this way that his seed would be a sojourner in a foreign land, and they would enslave them and mistreat them four hundred years.

    中文: 徒七6神这样说:『他的后裔必在别族之地作寄居的,那里的人要奴役他们,苦待他们四百年。』 更详细进入...
    If he looks at only the eyes and under,he will not be able to see the person's name and life span.

    中文: 要遮掩外貌的百分之几才会看不到姓名和寿命,这就有待死亡笔记的主人自己去验证了。 更详细进入...
    Go through, go through the gates; Prepare the way for the people; Cast up, cast up the highway; Free it of stones; Raise up a standard for the people.

    中文: 10你们要经过,要从城门经过;豫备百姓的路;要修筑,修筑大道;捡去石头;为众民高举旌旗。 更详细进入...
    Non-national legal units of measurements shall be abrogated.Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.

    中文: 非国家法定计量单位应当废除。废除的办法由国务院制定。 更详细进入...
    In weightlifting, participants execute two lifts, in this order: the snatch,_and_the clean_and_jerk.

    中文: 举重包括两个单项,按顺序为:抓举与挺举。 更详细进入...
    Hsitory is bunk.

    中文: 历史是一堆废话。 更详细进入...
    Noxious chemical wastes.

    中文: 有毒化学废弃物 更详细进入...
    Should the death penalty be abolished?

    中文: 应该废除死刑吗? 更详细进入...
    Slavery was just recently past.

    中文: 奴隶制刚刚废除。 更详细进入...
    The old ship was condemned.

    中文: 这旧船被报废了。 更详细进入...
    You're a jerk!

    中文: 你是个废物/混球! 更详细进入...
    “Our parks will have their 100th anniversary in 2016 and we felt like vital goal for this country would be to prepare those parks, to guard the parks, to conserve the parks, to make the parks relevant to the American people in honor of the 100th anniversa

    中文: “我们的公园将在2016年举行百年庆典,我们觉得这个国家的大事就是准备公园,保护公园,保存公园,并在百年庆典时使公园与美国人民相连。” 更详细进入...
    In the summer of 1898, with the rapid development of political reform, the abolishment of imperial examination system, by which the officials were chosen according to the quality of the eight-legged essays they had written, was naturally put on the agenda

    中文: 到了1898年夏天,由于政治变革的急剧发展,废除以八股取士为主要内容的科举制度也就自然地提到了政治日程。 更详细进入...
    With the advocation and support of the reformers, Guangxu Emperor of Qing Dynasty hastily declared the abolishment of Imperial Examination system, which triggered unprecedented debates and intense conflicts.

    中文: 以康、梁为代表的维新派坚决主张彻底废除科举考试制度,甚至建议光绪皇帝不惜采取某些非常规的政治手段。 更详细进入...
    We are looking forward to sharing ideas regarding international real estate development during your upcoming meeting, and if this meets with your approval, are planning for Beijing Assembly on **(date).

    中文: 如果您同意我们这一决定并计划在2007年*月*日举行北京年会的话,我们期待与您在3月即将举行的**会议上就国际房地产的发展方面问题交流意见? 更详细进入...
    [br]We are looking forward to sharing ideas regarding international real estate development during your upcoming meeting, [red]and if [/red]this meets with your approval, are planning for Beijing Assembly on **(date).

    中文: 如果您同意我们这一决定并计划在2007年*月*日举行北京年会的话,我们期待与您在3月即将举行的**会议上就国际房地产的发展方面问题交流意见? 更详细进入...
    Don't leave your work half done.

    中文: 工作不要半途而废。 更详细进入...

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