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Slavery was just recently past.

Slavers in France would send their shirts to be washed in the streams of the Caribbean isle of St Domingue, now Haiti; the water there was said to whiten the linen better than any European stream. 法国的奴隶贩子会把他们的衬衫送到加勒比海圣多明戈岛上(如今的海地)洗,据说那里的溪水比欧洲的溪水好,能把亚麻布漂洗的更白。
Slavery is the antithesis of freedom. 奴役与自由是对立的.
Slavery on Tatooine was a worthy cause, one he would bring before the Council to make them aware. 塔图因的奴隶制度固然有待解决,他会将此事告知理事会。
Slavery seems to have come up in almost every debate, and some far-sighted men thought it would eventually lead to civil war. 几乎在所有宪法制定的辩论中,蓄奴的议题似乎都被提出来,一些有远见的人认为这个问题终将导致内战。
Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century. 美国在19世纪废除了奴隶制度。
Slavery was just recently past. 奴隶制刚刚废除。
Slaves are under the yoke of their masters. 奴隶们受其主人的束缚。
Slaves rule over us, and there is none to free us from their hands. 8奴仆辖制我们,无人救我们脱离他们的手。
Slaves rule over us; There is no one to deliver us from their hand. 哀5:8奴仆辖制我们.无人救我们脱离他们的手。
Slaves, obey in all things those who are your masters according to the flesh, not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart fearing the Lord. 22作奴仆的,要凡事顺从肉身的主人,不要只在眼前事奉,像是讨人喜欢的,乃要凭心中的单纯敬畏主。
Slavic Croatian tribes from Poland arrived in what is present day Croatia in 7th century AD. 公元7世纪,斯拉夫克罗地亚部落从波兰迁移到如今的国土。

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