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The old ship was condemned.

The old sailor still had a smack of the sea about him. 这老水手身上仍然带有海的味道。
The old school still stands. 这所老学校依然还在。
The old script wasn't were modular and the only way to sort the table was to actually click on the header cell. 老版本不是模块的,对表排序的唯一方式是点击标题单元格。
The old seaman stayed at the inn for many months.The sea-chest in his room was always llocked.Nobody knew what was in it. 老海员在客店一住就是好几个月。以此期间,他那口箱子总是锁得严严的,没有人知道那里头藏着什么东西。
The old servant bowed and scraped before them, too obedient and eager to please. 这老仆在他们面前卑躬屈节,极尽巴结诌媚之能事。
The old ship was condemned. 这旧船被报废了。
The old shroud is given to a newly married, childless couple to cover the connubial bed. 旧的裹尸布给新婚燕尔、尚未生育的夫妇用来铺婚床。
The old soldiers made the town hall their rendezvous. 老士兵们把市政府当作他们的聚集地。
The old story was worked over for television. 那个古老的故事被改编为电视节目。
The old theatre was designed by a young woman called Elisabeth Scott in 1920s Modernist style. 旧剧院是由一个名叫伊丽莎白?斯科特的年轻女人按照上世纪20年代的现代主义风格设计的。
The old town on the hill had a wall right round it. 小山上的古城四周有城墙.

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