A last in, first out list that shall be used by all floating-point operators.
中文: 一个后进,先出的列表必须用来作为所有浮点运算的操作. 更详细进入...
The BIOS has to allow the operating system to find the devices on your computer.
中文: 基本输出入系统必须让操作系统在你的计算机上找装置。 更详细进入...
Either the banks will have to lend money directly to them, or they will end up owning a ragbag of securities—including some dreaded mortgage-linked bonds.
中文: 银行只有两种选择,或是必须把钱借给这些投资管道,或是最终拥有一大堆包括一些让人担惊受怕的与房贷有关的债券的坏证券。 更详细进入...
GS: How will built-in voice communication be handled? We imagine that players will have to supply their own microphones.
中文: 内置语音通讯是怎么操作的?我们想到玩家必须要麦克风。 更详细进入...
You must take a blow or give one, You must risk and you must lose. Be a man and face the battle That's the only way to win.
中文: 你必须接受打击,或施加打击,你必须冒险,也必须付出。做个男子汉去迎接战斗——那就是取得胜利的唯一途径! 更详细进入...
He gets a double victory who conquers himself.
中文: 战胜自己是双重胜利。 / 能战胜自我的人无往而不胜。 更详细进入...
He always wants to win and he has transmitted that mentality to the squad.
中文: 他一直保持必胜的信念,他也将这种信念感染到了整个球队。 更详细进入...
The diving scene from 2004's “Oh Pil-seung &Bong Soon-young” that Park Sun-young so gallantly pulled off!
中文: 在2004年《必胜!奉顺英》中的跳水场面,朴宣暎是如此勇敢地跳下! 更详细进入...
The “ask-a-chick” website lists some surefire rules to meet and keep Mr. Right.
中文: “女孩咨询”网站列出了找寻和搞定理想男友的一些必胜法则。 更详细进入...
Under American criminal law, those owners would have to be shown to have been acting knowingly in order for a prosecution to succeed.
中文: 根据美国刑法,为了胜诉,经营者必须证明交易是有意为之的。 更详细进入...
A broker who specializes in shares,bonds,commodities,or options must be registered with the exchange where the specific securities are traded.
中文: 一个精通股票,债券,商品和买卖特权的经纪人必须在专门的政权交易所注册。 更详细进入...
A civil action, however, would have to demonstrate only recklessness.
中文: 然而,在民事诉讼上,则必须证明买卖只是鲁莽之举才能胜诉。 更详细进入...
Guo noted that people should be fully aware that the overseas securities markets are quite different from the domestic market, and that whether or not a stock is worthwhile buying does not depend on its low price or low profit-earning ratio.
中文: 郭剑提出,必须充分意识到境外证券市场与国内证券市场有着很大的不同,而且某个股票是否值得投资并不取决于其价格便宜或市盈率低。 更详细进入...
Article 104. Investors shall open stock exchange accounts with securities companies, and in written form, by telephone, or through other means entrust the company with buying and selling securities for them.
中文: 第一百零四条投资者应当在证券公司开立证券交易帐户,以书面、电话以及其他方式,委托为其开户的证券公司代其买卖证券。 更详细进入...
The sole agency method of underwriting refers to the method whereby a securities company acquires all securities of the issuer in accordance with the agreement, or acquires all unsold securities after the publicoffer at the end of the underwriting period.
中文: 证券包销是指证券公司将发行人的证券按照协议全部购入或者在承销期结束时将售后剩余证券全部自行购入的承销方式。 更详细进入...
Plug and play devices have to accept port and channel assignments from the operating system.
中文: 即插即用装置必须接受端口而且引导来自操作系统的指定。 更详细进入...
The fox has many tricks, and the hedgehog only one, but that is the best of all.
中文: 书剑恩仇录》中陈家洛“百花错拳”,虽然花样百出却依旧胜不了张召重。多未必好,少未必不好。 更详细进入...
Familiarity with design/lay out software of Macintosh and similar design software.
中文: 必须熟悉苹果机设计软件及其他相关设计软件的运用操作。 更详细进入...
Article 170 Company bonds may be assigned. Assignment of company bonds shall be carried out at a lawfully established securities exchange.
中文: 第一百七十条:公司债券可以转让。转让公司债券应当在依法设立的证券交易场所进行。 更详细进入...
Controls better than any console first-person game before it, features great pacing and a fun mix of puzzles and shooting.
中文: 操纵性胜过任何一款第一人称射击游戏,有着优秀的游戏节奏与射击结合解谜的趣味。 更详细进入...