A place where you can win or lose your hard earned credits.
中文: 这个地方可以使你轻易的赚得或输掉你辛苦赚来的点数(金钱)。 更详细进入...
Colin: Right! Luck has nothing to do with it. Life is all about hard work!
中文: 科林:没错!跟运气一点儿关系都没有。生活完全要靠辛苦的工作。 更详细进入...
Dear classmates, please make an effort also the teacher who comprehend our diligence, make allowance for their pain.
中文: 亲爱的同学们,请也尽力理解我们勤奋的老师,体谅他们的辛苦。 更详细进入...
You will not have to spend the next few days recovering from a long and arduous journey.
中文: 用不着因为漫长的旅途的辛苦而花几天时间休息来恢复精神。 更详细进入...
Homework in the future may not be any less laborious, but it will certainly be more wired.
中文: (未来的家庭作业可能依然辛苦,但它必定更多地通过网上来完成。) 更详细进入...
It's going to be hard work but we'll win through in the end.
中文: 那将是艰巨的工作,不过历经千辛万苦后我们最后会取得胜利的。 更详细进入...
Only by hard working can we achieve our goal/ realize our dream.
中文: 我们只有通过辛苦的工作才能达到我们的目标(实现我们的梦想)。 更详细进入...
You are so hard for your beauty look. (Supplement: Pumpy made up like a queen of Egypt, doesn't it scare you?
中文: 美丽是妳终身的志愿,辛苦你了!(补充:厕纸妹化了妆,系咪好吓人呢? 更详细进入...
When I was a young apprentice, I worked very hard and under great strain, but I said nothing about it to my parents.
中文: 5我当小学徒上四,压力大,工作很辛苦,但我从不把这些告诉父母。 更详细进入...
Detection of nucleic acid of AIV by a dig-labelled probe prepared by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
中文: PCR制备地高辛标记的探针检测禽流感病毒核酸 更详细进入...
Detection of Nucleic Acid of HRV by a Dig-Labelled Probe Prepared with Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)
中文: PCR制备地高辛素标记的探针检测轮状病毒核酸 更详细进入...
Detection of Vibrio anguillarum by Dot Blot Hybridization with Digoxigenin Labeled Probe by PCR
中文: PCR法制备地高辛标记探针斑点杂交检测鳗弧菌 更详细进入...
4 Sour, sweet, bitter, spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we can't taste the light sweet.
中文: 酸、甜、苦、辣、腥等麻木我们的口味、舌蕾,再也品尝不出清淡的香甜。 更详细进入...
Study on the process of formation of fine α-asarone and ibuprofen particle by rapid expansion of supercritical solution;
中文: 利用超临界CO_2制备α-细辛醚及布洛芬微细颗粒 更详细进入...
Still working hard, practicing, preparing ,, minna, please be a little more patient with me!!! GANBAROU!!!! ouenXXXXe ne! Chotto matte ne!!!! Attari maeda no cracker dayo.
中文: 还要辛苦工作、练习、(一大堆)准备工作。。。大家对我要有点耐心哈!加油!记得支持我哦!稍等下,(知道我要干什么吗?)当然是吃饼干啦! 更详细进入...
The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains.
中文: 全村日夜辛苦地干着,要在9月的雨季之前收割并打完今年的庄稼。 更详细进入...
Their primary function is to transport protoss forces on the field of battle.
中文: 通过他们的辛苦研究和经验,神族研究者发现了很多宇宙中的秘密。 更详细进入...
Through their painstaking studies and experiments protoss researchers have uncovered many of the secrets of the universe.
中文: 通过他们的辛苦研究和经验,神族研究者发现了很多宇宙中的秘密。 更详细进入...
Turmeric is mildly aromatic and has scents of orange or ginger. It has a pungent, bitter flavor.
中文: 姜黄粉气味芬芳,发出一种橙子和生姜的气味。味道辛辣微苦而清香。 更详细进入...
He's my best friend and he works hard all day. Couldn't you at least wag your tail?
中文: 他是我最好的朋友,整天工作很辛苦,你就不能冲他摇摇你的尾巴吗? 更详细进入...