Consume as much material about your prime focus as you can budget.
中文: 尽量把资源用在主要目标上,把时间花在刀刃上。 更详细进入...
The reign of Elizabeth I, a Protestant Queen, was greeted with relief and a high tide of nationalism. England has been Protestant ever since.
中文: 伊利莎白一世是信奉新教的女王,他的统治因宗教缓解和高涨的民族主义浪潮而受欢迎。从此,英国一直是新教国家。 更详细进入...
It continually tailors its products and services and does so at reasonable prices .
中文: 它不断地使其产品和服务迎合顾客要求,而且价格合理。 更详细进入...
You have turned back the edge of his sword and have not supported him in battle.
中文: 43你叫他的刀剑卷刃、叫他在争战之中站立不住。 更详细进入...
I'm not going to try to be popular and change principles to do so,Bush said in a television interview that was aired on Sunday night.
中文: 布什总统在上周日晚播放的一个电视采访中说:“我受不受欢迎无所谓,我不会为了‘受欢迎’而改变原则。” 更详细进入...
Ged and Therru both risk their lives to bring back Arren to his senses.
中文: 格得及瑟鲁冒著生命危险为亚刃伋找回他的意识。 更详细进入...
I have some spearhead which hasn't been edged,wonder it's the result of batch manufacture?
中文: 我手里有的枪头没开刃,是否是批量生产的结果呢? 更详细进入...
Let your music, like a sword, pierce the noise of the market to its heart.
中文: 让你的音乐如一柄利刃,直刺入市井喧扰的心中吧。 更详细进入...
Seems everyone wants a sharp axe or blade these days!
中文: 看起来最近谁都想要一把好斧头或是锋利的刀刃! 更详细进入...
Economic arguments can be double-edged; sometimes they are best not wielded.
中文: 经济学论据可能是一把双刃剑;有时最好不要用它。 更详细进入...
Let your music, like a sword, Maple Story Meso pierce the noise of the market to its heart.
中文: 让你的音乐如一柄利刃,直刺入市井喧扰的心中吧。 更详细进入...
中文: 浅谈转基因技术的“双刃性”及中国规避风险的策略 更详细进入...
A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.
中文: 华美而价廉的餐厅。佳肴迎宾,服务专业,女服务生,开胃方式。 更详细进入...
Welcome to China,to taste this nation of the Dragon.
中文: 欢迎来到中国,欢迎体验龙的国度. 更详细进入...
The physical matter will disintegrate but you will not.
中文: 物质会分解而你不会。 更详细进入...
Welcome To America's Favorite Water Heaters!
中文: 欢迎使用美国最受欢迎的热水器! 更详细进入...
But this quickly got out of control and dreadnought CASE tools were born.
中文: 但是,这很快就乱了套,各种重磅炸弹似的CASE工具迎面而来。 更详细进入...
The purpose of the special tribunal investigating the Rwanda genocide is not only to bring the guilty to justice but also to bring reconciliation to a society that was split asunder.
中文: 而当特别法庭调查卢旺达种族屠杀时,审判罪犯也不是唯一目的,人们还希望能够让一个分崩离析的社会有机会迎来和解。 更详细进入...
If instead he panders to LDP interests or the ultra-nationalist wing, the Abe administration will have started dismally.
中文: 然而,如果他只是迎合极端民族主义者或是自民党一已之利,那么安倍政权将会迎来一个暗淡沮丧的开局。 更详细进入...
You also turn back the edge of his sword And have not made him stand in battle.
中文: 诗89:43你叫他的刀剑卷刃、叫他在争战之中站立不住。 更详细进入...