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    After growing them, they found their structures had matured into the components that make teeth, including dentin, enamel, dental pulp, blood vessels, and periodontal ligaments.

    中文: 经一段时间的生长,他们发现在结构上它们已形成包括牙本质,牙釉质,牙髓,血管,牙周膜的牙组织的各个组分。 更详细进入...
    The results showed that the strength of knee flexor and extensor increased significantly after two months muscle anti resistance training according to Delorme principle. The H/Q value increased to normal level.

    中文: 果发现,患膝屈伸肌峰力矩值在训练后明显增加,屈肌与伸肌峰力矩比值接进正常。 更详细进入...
    He squeezed on the tube until some toothpaste came out.

    中文: 他挤牙膏管直到挤出一些牙膏。 更详细进入...
    His teeth protrude like fangs.

    中文: 他的牙齿像犬牙一样向外凸出。 更详细进入...
    I had to have two fillings at the dentist's today.

    中文: 我今天要请牙医给我补两颗牙。 更详细进入...
    I need to set up a dentist appointment because my tooth aches.

    中文: 我牙齿痛,必须预约时间看牙医。 更详细进入...
    Hartz? DENTAL? Chew 'n Clean? are patented balls that help clean your dog's teeth and gums, removing harmful tartar.

    中文: 专业兽医研制,帮助清洁狗狗的牙齿和牙龈,去除有害牙石。 更详细进入...
    The posterior-most teeth. Molars have the largest chewing surfaces in order to grind food, and have two or three roots.

    中文: 后面的牙.为了磨碎食物,磨牙有最大咀嚼面和2-3个牙根. 更详细进入...
    As one of several strength-governing modes, distortional buckling is receiving more attentions.

    中文: 作为控制冷弯薄壁型钢承载能力的几种屈曲模式之一,畸变屈曲正逐步受到重视。 更详细进入...
    For a nation has come up against My land, Mighty and without number; Its teeth are the teeth of a lion, And it has the cutting teeth of a lioness.

    中文: 6有一国民又强盛,又无数,上来侵犯我的地;其牙齿如狮子的牙齿,大牙如母狮的大牙。 更详细进入...
    This involve***rushing twice-a-day with fluoride toothpaste, cutting down on the frequency of sugary snacks and drinks, flossing daily and visiting a dentist regularly.

    中文: 包括每天使用含氟化物的牙膏刷牙二次,减少含糖零食和饮料的摄入量,每天使用牙线清洁牙齿,并定期拜访牙医。 更详细进入...
    I went to the dentist yesterday.

    中文: 我昨天去找了牙科医生看牙齿。 更详细进入...
    My daughter has to wear a brace on her teeth.

    中文: 我的女儿得戴牙箍以矫正牙齿. 更详细进入...
    The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.

    中文: 牙医检查了她的牙, 未见有龋齿. 更详细进入...
    It had no consistent style, for Qu Yuan's works collected in different periods were misrepresented to some extent and other works added had different gists and forms.

    中文: 由于《楚辞》成书不同阶段所收屈原作品有“疑不能明”的误传因素,增辑者所附己作的主旨和体式亦有不同,故《楚辞》并无所谓“非屈原作品,均代屈原设言”、“以屈原为第一人称口气抒写”的统一体例。 更详细进入...
    If it does not increase very carefully to protect susceptible to diseases, the most common are stomatitis, oral ulcers, dental caries, gingivitis, pulpitis, periodontal abscess, alveolar abscess, dentin allergies.

    中文: 如若不加仔细保护很容易生病,最常见的有口腔炎、口腔溃疡、龋齿、牙龈炎、牙髓炎、牙周脓肿、牙槽脓肿、牙本质过敏等。 更详细进入...
    Donald was smarting under an injustice.

    中文: 唐纳德因受冤屈感到极为痛苦。 更详细进入...
    His army never came under the yoke of invaders.

    中文: 他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。 更详细进入...
    Of course,we will never give in to villainy.

    中文: 当然,我们永远不会向邪恶屈服。 更详细进入...
    They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands.

    中文: 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。 更详细进入...

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