My successor can hardly be as well bred or as well mannered or as distinguished and handsome as I was in my prime.
中文: 我的接班人很难像我在壮年时,有那麽强的繁殖能力、那麽好的礼貌、那般的杰出和帅气。 更详细进入...
A mixture of emotions flooded the author's soul, from fear to sympathy for the caribous' impending doom and exhilaration from witnessing one of natures plays unfolding in front of his eyes.
中文: 我百感交集,既哀怜驯鹿之劫数难逃,又乐于亲眼见证此自然法则之游戏开场. 更详细进入...
New laser/light therapies may help millions of Americans with hard-to-treat skin conditions.
中文: 新的激光治疗术可能给那些患有难以治愈皮肤病上百万的美国人提供帮助。 更详细进入...
Every day, every night, for all that time, carbon with exactly the same composition of that in present-day microorganisms rained down to the bottom of a deep ocean, Rosing explains.
中文: 罗辛解释,在这百万年中,每日每夜,与今日微生物体内成份相同的碳,如雨点般降落到深海底部。 更详细进入...
Hence the inexplicable and mysterious disappearances that has very often been blamed on the area of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle!
中文: 因此那难于解释和神秘的失踪就是闻名的百慕大三角海洋区域引起造成的! 更详细进入...
[bbe] And they were judges in the causes of the people at all times: the hard questions they put before Moses; but on every small point they gave decisions themselves.
中文: 他们随时审判百姓,有难断的案件就呈到摩西那里,但各样小事他们自己审判。 更详细进入...
Heavy Chelsea pressure finally told in the 75th minute when Malouda's perfectly angled shot eluded a number of defenders before dribbling into the net.
中文: 切尔西强大的攻势终于在75分钟时取得成效,马卢达刁钻的射门避开防守球员打进网中。 更详细进入...
It is hard to find a Bordeaux under $100 in the market, not to mention the special prices we offer for the public and the Premier Members.
中文: 市场上售价一百元以下的波尔多非常罕有,更惶论我们为一般顾客和尊贵会员提供的超值价。 更详细进入...
However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are.
中文: 无论生活如何不如意都要敢于面对;而不是躲避并称其为艰难。她并非糟糕得如同想像般。 更详细进入...
Cancer:Gemini that you change much to the obstinate self-will, idea covers not to live completely, but the but again always can't resist the attraction of Gemini.
中文: 巨蟹座:你对刁蛮任性、心思多变的双子座完全罩不住,但却又总是无法抗拒双子座的吸引力。 更详细进入...
9 The monthly amount to be paid for the Work shall equal the percentage of Work incorporated into the Project since the last billing period, certified by the Owner, times the sum of the Cost of Work and the General Conditions Costs (calculated in the mann
中文: 每月的工程款应相当于自上个计费期间之后所完工的工程占项目的百分比(经业主确认),乘以本次计费期间工程造价和一般条件造价之和(按书面授权书上所列方式计算),加上费用的一定比例(按书面授权书上所列方式计算),再从工程造价、一般条件造价和费用中减去百分之五(5%)作为滞留金以及先前支付款项的百分之百(100%)。 更详细进入...
Ordinary people, with an unenlightened mind, suffer gravely and complain bitterly upon misfortune; when they die, they are driven bu karmic forces and continue to roam among the four forms of birth.
中文: 世俗人在这般病厄灾难时痛苦不已,怨天尤人,命终后灵光昏昧,为业所牵,轮回于四生之中。 更详细进入...
Wouldn't you love to sit in on some of those presentations rather than waiting to hear about one of them in a 30-second encapsulation on network TV?
中文: 难道你不想好好听这些报告,反而去等待一般电视网上播放某个人只有30秒的简化内容? 更详细进入...
A person seldom falls sick, but the bystander is animated with a faint hope that he will die.
中文: 人难得生病,可是旁观者们却以为他势将必死,并因这一线希望而精神百倍起来。 更详细进入...
Fish collectors pay from 19 cents for a guppy to $100 or more for hard-to-breed fish.
中文: 养鱼爱好者可以为虹鳉支付19美分,也可能为某种难以繁殖的鱼付一百多美元。 更详细进入...
So now we have the Molly-Ron-Dobby socks and the Vernon-Harry-Dobby socks once unvalued, now treasured, in a scene overflowing with affection and joy.
中文: 所以现在我们有了莫莉-罗恩-多比袜,还有弗农-哈利-多比袜,都是曾经被不屑一顾,现在被百般珍爱的。 更详细进入...
Doctor: Just one hundred percent!
中文: 大夫:百分之百。 更详细进入...
Some of the inmates have written of those memories of which sane men cannot conceive.
中文: 在集中营呆过的一些人曾写过许多回忆录,回忆录中提到的事是一般正常的人难以想像的。 更详细进入...
These guys look great even when not flaring, and when they do flare the effect is astounding; a huge tail that spreads straight up and straight down, full dorsal, and symmetrical anal fin.
中文: 即使半月斗鱼相貌一般还是很吸引人的目光,如果牠身型华丽耀眼,绝对会令人过目难忘的。 更详细进入...
So Johanan son of Kareah and all the army officers and all the people disobeyed the LORD'S command to stay in the land of Judah.
中文: 4于是加利亚的儿子约哈难和一切军长,并众百姓,不听从耶和华的话住在犹大地。 更详细进入...