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So now we have the Molly-Ron-Dobby socks and the Vernon-Harry-Dobby socks once unvalued, now treasured, in a scene overflowing with affection and joy.

So now please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father. 如今求你饶恕你父亲的神之仆人的过犯。
So now take and prepare a new cart and two milch cows on which the yoke has never come, and tie the cows to the cart, and bring their calves home, away from them. 7现在你们应当把一辆新车和两只未曾负轭有乳的母牛豫备好,把母牛套在车上,使牛犊回家去,不跟着母牛。
So now the LORD God of Israel hath dispossessed the Amorites from before his people Israel, and shouldest thou possess it? 23耶和华以色列的神在他百姓以色列面前赶出亚摩利人,你竟要得他们的地吗。
So now the loudest voices are not resisting change but arguing for it. 因此,如今企业叫得最凶的不是抵制而是支持改革。
So now the man Italians call Dr Miracle is offering to clone his patients to create the babies they so desperately want. 因此,这个被意大利人称作神奇医生的人现在打算克隆患者本人来帮助他们得到迫切想要的孩子。
So now we have the Molly-Ron-Dobby socks and the Vernon-Harry-Dobby socks once unvalued, now treasured, in a scene overflowing with affection and joy. 所以现在我们有了莫莉-罗恩-多比袜,还有弗农-哈利-多比袜,都是曾经被不屑一顾,现在被百般珍爱的。
So now when you look in the refrigerators at 7- Eleven, you will also find Thé au lait, as well as Blancmange and other French-style desserts, all under the Left Bank Café umbrella brand. 所以,现在你从7-11便利店的冷藏柜里,还能找到左岸咖啡馆牌子的奶茶、牛奶冻和其它法式甜品。
So now you are one of these dashing western heroes. 如今你是勇敢的西部大英雄,骑马开枪出入千难万险之中。
So now you re telling me that , unless I decide to quit my job and start playing during weekdays I ll never get any rewards from pvp because others have no life? 所以,你的意思就是说,除非我现在辞掉我的工作,然后每天的狂玩,要不然我就会因为那些整天都在家里玩的人的关系,而不会有等级??
So now you've got songs for how many solo albums? 目前你创作的歌曲足以构成几张你的个人专辑呢?
So now, every morning, just as the dawn is breaking, the laugh of Gugurrgaagaa the Kookaburra can be heard all across Australia, bringing in the new day. 所以现在每个清晨,在黎明破晓时分,笑翠鸟咕咕拉的狂笑声能够传遍澳洲,迎来新的一天。

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