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    Euthanasia is not yet legal in Japan, but given the excruciation suffering of patients with terminal cancer is terrible.

    中文: 安乐死在日本尚未合法,忍受癌症末期这种酷刑是很可怕的。 更详细进入...
    The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie.

    中文: 对2050年亚洲气候的预测就像一部关于世界末日的电影剧本。 更详细进入...
    “the increasing hatred, which retarded the execution of his great designs” (Edward Gibbon).

    中文: “逐渐增长的仇恨,推迟了他的伟大计划的执行”(爱德华•吉本)。 更详细进入...
    By small degrees or increments; gradually.

    中文: 逐渐地慢慢地或逐渐增长地;渐渐地 更详细进入...
    Resolve to make Saturdays and Sundays strictly for family time.

    中文: 周末留给人家,坚决把周末留给家人。 更详细进入...
    As many as a dozen prominent Iranian professionals, arriving with valid U.S. visas in the Bay Area to attend an international gathering this weekend, are being detained at the San Francisco International Airport, refused entry by immigration officials and

    中文: 总计大约十几位持有有效美国签证的专业伊朗人士,本周末前来本地湾区参与一项国际会议,不料在他们抵达旧金山国际机场之后竟遭到拘留,不仅被海关人员禁止入境,还将面临驱逐出境的窘境. 更详细进入...
    The second book, therefore, treats of the nature of capital stock, of the manner in which it is gradually accumulated, and of the different quantities of labour which it puts into motion, according to the different ways in which it is employed.

    中文: 所以本书第二篇,讨论资本的性质,逐渐累积资本的方法,只及因为资本用途不同,所推动的劳动量亦不相同这几点。 更详细进入...
    Nowadays, anthropocentric economic development view is gradually replacing, materialcentric economic development view, while it keeps continuing to improve itself.

    中文: 在现代,已经出现人本经济发展观逐步取代物本经济发展观的基本趋势,同时人本经济发展观自身也应不断完善。 更详细进入...
    Millions of Americans on the go this Memorial Day weekend are taking a hit at the gas pumps.

    中文: 本周末是阵亡将士纪念日,百万美国民众却遭遇了油价的冲击。 更详细进入...
    Failure to give either notice makes the party thus failing liable in damages for loss which otherwise could have been avoided.

    中文: 未发出两种通知中任一种通知的一方,应对本应可以避免的损失承担损害赔偿责任。 更详细进入...
    Condoleezza Rice is returning to her “realist” roots at the State Department, now that Mr Rumsfeld is out of her hair and Mr Cheney is weakened.

    中文: 随着拉姆斯菲尔德不再从旁烦扰,切尼势力受损,赖斯在国务院正逐渐回归到“现实主义”的基础。 更详细进入...
    This course on High Energy Particle Physics features a description of a Final Term Paper. Students must write on the topic How to establish a new important piece of Physics.

    中文: 本“高能粒子物理”课程网页提供了期末报告的相关说明。期末报告之写作应以“如何建立一个新的物理领域”为主题。 更详细进入...
    The optic nerve is part of the central nervous system and, unlike nerves in the peripheral nervous system - such as those in our fingers and feet - shows almost no ability to recover from injury.

    中文: 视神经是中枢神经系统的一部分,和末梢神经系统不同的是,中枢神经系统几乎无法从受损中修复。 更详细进入...

    中文: 考虑粘弹性性能的密质骨损伤本构模型的研究 更详细进入...
    The coupon torm,damaged or altered without permission is invalid.

    中文: 本券自行撕角,缺损或擅自更改内容均视作无效。 更详细进入...
    Date: 2007-08-25 11:24 1. Don't put the cart before the horse.

    中文: 不要将大车套在马前面。(处理问题应按先后次序,不要本末倒置。) 更详细进入...
    Description: White to whitish needle crystalls or crystal powder, oderless and tasteless.

    中文: 性状:本品为白色或类白色的针状结晶或结晶性粉末,无臭、味苦。 更详细进入...
    The latest developments are broadly consistent with Japan's gradual transition from deflation to mild inflation.

    中文: 最近日本的经济消息与经济逐渐由通缩转至温和通胀的走势。 更详细进入...
    The cost of something is what you give up to get it.

    中文: 选择的机会成本就是你放弃该选择所受的损失。 更详细进入...
    We reported a case of advanced infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the left breast (T4N2M0).

    中文: 本文中之病患爲一末期左侧浸润性乳管癌患者,癌症分期爲T4N2M0。 更详细进入...

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