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    The marmot is the famous animal in this area.

    中文: 土拨鼠是这里有名的小动物。 更详细进入...
    A phone call made while drunk.

    中文: 在喝醉了的时候拨打的电话。 更详细进入...
    Check gyro and do not reset remainder of approach.

    中文: 检查陀螺仪,进近时勿再拨置。 更详细进入...
    He began to play the banjo by picking its strings.

    中文: 他拨弄琴弦开始弹奏五弦琴。 更详细进入...
    Will the government provide money to support the arts?

    中文: 政府会拨款资助美术事业吗? 更详细进入...
    May your love be like the wind, strong enough to move the clouds, soft enough to never hurt, but always never ending?

    中文: 愿你们的爱像风一样,强劲得足以拨开乌云、驱赶阴霾,温柔得不会带来丝毫伤害,直到地老天荒、海枯石烂。 更详细进入...
    Procedures drawn a running hand, scribbles, Wang wrote, Transmutation of HUI Zong, such as Sushi to 10 species of style.

    中文: 程序预设了行书、草书、王羲之、怀素、徽宗、苏轼等十来种风格。 更详细进入...
    On karyotypes of four species of Saussurea DC.in the east of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

    中文: 青藏高原东缘高寒草甸风毛菊属4个优势种的核型研究 更详细进入...
    Midday Depression of Photosynthesis of Gentiana straminea and Saussurea superba in Alpine Kobresia humilis Meadow

    中文: 高寒草甸麻花艽和美丽风毛菊的光合速率午间降低现象 更详细进入...
    If you want ti dial out the last dialed number,pick up handset and Then press “SEND” button,the unit will do automatically.

    中文: 如果你想拨出最近一次已拨出的号码,拿起手柄按“发射”键,话机将自动完成操作。 更详细进入...
    On May 11, 2003, doctors on duty have to transcribe patients' medical records and discuss their cases on the two sides of the isolation door.

    中文: 2003年5月11日,当班医生只能一拨在里面,一拨在外面,透过隔断门抄写、讨论病历。 更详细进入...
    Here's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils,violets,lilies of the valley and bluebells.

    中文: 这个花坛真有趣,水仙花、紫罗兰、铃兰和风铃草混种在一起。 更详细进入...
    My bodice is of the colour of the peacock\'s throat, and my mantle is green as young grass.

    中文: 我的胸衣像孔雀颈毛般艳丽,我的披风像鲜嫩草坪般碧绿. 更详细进入...
    The first signs of trouble came when he began to reach out to the Cuban community across the straits in Miami.

    中文: 一有风吹草动来到时,他开始接触到古巴社区两岸迈阿密. 更详细进入...
    State budgetary appropriation refers to appropriation in the budget of the central and local governments earmarked for capital construction and for innovation projects, and the special appropriation from the budget of the central government for capital co

    中文: 国家预算内资金:指中央财政和地方财政中由国家统筹安排的基本建设拨款和更新改造拨款,以及中央财政安排的专项拨款中用于基本建设的资金和基本建设拨款改货款的资金等。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] To see your power and your glory, as I have seen you in the holy place.

    中文: 我在圣所中曾如此瞻仰你,为要见你的能力,和你的荣耀。 更详细进入...
    Article 16 The Negotiable Instruments Act shall apply to checks handled by Chunghwa Post in connection with its postal giro accounts.

    中文: 第16条中华邮政公司办理划拨储金之划拨支票业务,准用票据法有关支票之规定。 更详细进入...
    The end of this service means investors will be unable to take advantage of rising gold prices to make profits by buying and selling quickly.

    中文: 中信局取消的这项服务,让不少想趁金价涨跌赚取差价的人,算盘得重新拨一拨了。 更详细进入...
    The leaders of the Ministry of Finance show great foresight and make the wise decision to hold this English training program.

    中文: 部领导高瞻远瞩,并作出英明决策,加强干部外语培训。 更详细进入...
    Pics are not clear,from style it should be from campo.If it is,it might be one or two thousand years old.Li tiger style.

    中文: 照片不清,从风格上看应属草原文化的东西.如确属深坑玩熟,岁数有一两千年了.立虎风格对. 更详细进入...

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