For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
中文: 27你们受洗归入基督的,都是披戴基督了。 更详细进入...
Micromorphology of Leaf Lower Epidermis of 4 Species Plants of Elymus L.
中文: 披碱草属4种植物叶下表皮微形态特征 更详细进入...
People always wrote that the Mona Lisa had allowed her hair to hang freely over her shoulders.
中文: 他说:“人们总是这样写:蒙娜丽莎散发披肩。 更详细进入...
Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let ir fall to its full lenth.
中文: 她很快地把头发解开,叫它完全披散下来。 更详细进入...
The Beatles were the pop idols of the 60's.
中文: 披头士乐队是六十年代人们崇拜的偶像. 更详细进入...
You agree not to disclose such Confidential Information to any third party.
中文: 您同意不向任何第三方披露该保密信息。 更详细进入...
I know he looks a bit of a rough diamond in his tattered jeans, but apparently he does a lot of good work for local charities.
中文: 我知道他穿着破烂的牛仔裤看上去有些浑金璞玉的样子,但清楚他是为当地的慈善事业做了许多有益的工作。 更详细进入...
Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion.
中文: 把羊皮披在身上后,猎人到草原上去等狮子。 更详细进入...
Even though I throw on the clothes, I still felt cold in my heart.
中文: 我披件衣服在自己身上,我觉得有点冷,心里。 更详细进入...
He was past sixty and had a long white beard curling down over his chest.
中文: 他已年过六旬,银白色蜷曲的长髯披挂胸前。 更详细进入...
Assesment of genetic variation of Angiopteris caudatiformis based on ISSR
中文: 基于ISSR的披针莲座蕨居群遗传多样性分析 更详细进入...
Studies on the Interspecific Association of Illicium lanceolatum Community in Tiantong Region,Zhejiang Province
中文: 浙江天童披针叶茴香群落种间联结性研究 更详细进入...
A Comparative Study Both in MRI and Sectioned Auatomy of the Normal Brain Specimens
中文: 正常脑标本解剖标志中断层解剖与MRI对照研究 更详细进入...
A binding study of the gross and endoscopic anatomy of optic canal
中文: 视神经管局部解剖与鼻内镜下解剖的结合研究 更详细进入...
An analysis of the ecological crisis
中文: 生态危机剖析 更详细进入...
(b) when the bank is eroded.
中文: 揭底泥沙走,溢岸泥沙停; 更详细进入...
But chlamydiae somehow compel their entry vacuoles to avoid lysosomes, enabling the bacteria to proliferate freely while separated physically from the rest of the infected cell.
中文: 不过,披衣菌却有办法让进入细胞的囊泡避开溶小体,使披衣菌与受感染细胞的其他部份隔离,而能自由增殖。 更详细进入...
Article 32 Such people with the obligation to make information disclosure as the QDII, and the custodian shall reveal the information in strict accordance with related laws and regulations.
中文: 第三十二条境内机构投资者、托管人等信息披露义务人应当严格按照有关法律法规规定的要求进行信息披露。 更详细进入...
There were calls for the government to impose foreign exchange controls like what Malaysia did to stop the peso dive and prevent runaway inflation caused by the peso devaluation.
中文: 像马来西亚所作的,这需要政府对外国交换进行控制,来停止披索巨贬也防止披索贬值所带来飞涨的通货膨胀。 更详细进入...
Something was rustling along.
中文: 有东西发出沙沙声而过。 更详细进入...