For a huge market like Hong Kong, Dominator was not a success bus model on the total number of Dominator operated in Hong Kong in different fleet, however, the 3-axle model based on the design of Dominator were widely welcomed by bus operators.
中文: 在香港这个庞大市场而言,纵然未有大量统治者在本港行走,但由其衍生出来之三车轴巴士底盘,却深受用家之欢迎。 更详细进入...
Most of Iran's vast gas reserves remain untapped as its row with the west over Tehran's nuclear ambitions thwarts investment progress.
中文: 由于伊朗在其野心勃勃的核计划问题上与西方发生争吵,阻碍了投资进程,伊朗庞大的天然气储备大部分尚未开发。 更详细进入...
We had no idea of how large the world of gaming would grow ten years ago.
中文: 十年前我们并不了解游戏世界会发展到多么庞大。 更详细进入...
Nature, like the destruction of Pompeli, like the metamorphosis of a nymph, has arrested us in an accustomed movement.
中文: 像圣经所记载的庞贝城的毁灭,或像希腊神话中的仙女的蜕变,大自然让我们在习惯中的动作塑造而成。 更详细进入...
中文: 河北庞家堡长城群微生物席群落与相关的沉积环境 更详细进入...
Ezra Pound’s role as a leading spokesman of famous Imagist Movement in the history of American literature.
中文: 庞德在美国文学史上意象派运动中是个重要的人物。 更详细进入...
Two more of the massive beasts swung a gargantuan battering ram against the city's main gates.
中文: (囧)另外两只粗壮的食人魔则摇动着庞大的攻城锤撞向主城大门。 更详细进入...
The austral system was divided into three petroliferous domains as Australia (India-Australia).
中文: 它们在中生代以前,曾经和南极洲在一起,组成庞大的冈瓦纳大陆。 更详细进入...
Pang said a State-level department would enhance the government's efforts to control migrant flows.
中文: 庞副主任认为,这样做可以大大加强国家对移民流动的控制力度. 更详细进入...
Water surrounds all marine organisms, composes the greater bulk of their bodies, and is the medium by which venous chemical reactions take place, both inside and outside of their bodies.
中文: 海水环绕着海洋生物体,使它们体形变得庞大,同时海水也是各种海洋生物体内、体外的化学反应发生的媒介。 更详细进入...
Being part of Rotary means being part of the largest extended family in the world.
中文: 身为扶轮人就等于是全世界最庞大的家庭的一份子。 更详细进入...
India and China's vast populations mean they are alluring publishing markets.
中文: 庞大的人口数量,使印度和中国成为诱人的出版市场。 更详细进入...
One area of generosity is the chief executive's future pension.
中文: 丰厚收入的渠道之一是总裁数额庞大的未来退休金。 更详细进入...
At long last, Softbank has a business with scale and a sizeable customer base.
中文: 软银终于拥有了一定的商业规模和庞大的客户基础。 更详细进入...
We have to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.
中文: 我们不得不从大量庞杂的证据中推断出事情的真相。 更详细进入...
Merleau-Ponty Shit is a bowel movement of the lived and existential body.
中文: 梅洛庞帝:大便是我们活生生的存有身体的肠部活动。 更详细进入...
We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.
中文: 我们不得不从大量庞杂的证据中推断出事情的真相。 更详细进入...
The humanity’s green wealth inherits from the nature
中文: 华南植物园——大自然的绿色馈赠 更详细进入...
Many people died as he and his army fought their way east.
中文: 十二年间,他大举东征,杀害了无数人民,却也建立了跨洲的庞大帝国。 更详细进入...
While the heads of the secret services have been changed and the services have been reorganized, much of the rank and file remains, now with ties to a powerful business elite.
中文: 虽然后来头头换了,机构也改组,很多组织级别和文件却保留下来,现在与势力庞大的商业精英们联系密切。 更详细进入...