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Being part of Rotary means being part of the largest extended family in the world.

Being opposite and complementary to each other and united is the basic cause of harmony. 相反相成,对立统一,是形成和谐的根本原因。
Being optimistic, strong career sense and good team spirit. 积极乐观的态度,强烈的事业心和优秀的合作性。
Being or constituting a diplomatic action or diplomatic language in which two or more governments agree to use the same forms in their relations with other governments. 措词相同的两个或两个以上政府同意在与其它政府交往过程中,所用的外交方式或使用的外交语言应采取相同的方式
Being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course. 曲折的,迂回的处于或采用迂回的、冗长的途径
Being overly friendly with the boss, or upper management, or anybody with some power or control, with the intent of getting favors from them, such as promotions, raises, bonuses, etc. 与老板、上层管理人员或任何握有权力的人过于亲近,为了讨好他们以获得类似于提拔或多分红利之类的好处。
Being part of Rotary means being part of the largest extended family in the world. 身为扶轮人就等于是全世界最庞大的家庭的一份子。
Being persons, then, women are citizens, and no State has a right to make any new law, or to enforce any old law, which shall abridge their privileges or immunities. 既然是人们,那麽妇女就是公民,任何州都无权制定或执行任何剥夺她们的公民特权或豁免权的法律。
Being pleased with his success, he also remembered that it had all started with the words of the king's wise adviser. 他仍然记得现在所取得的成功都源于听从了国王谋臣说过的那番话。
Being poor at English, I'm afraid I can't make myself understood. 我的英语很差,恐怕很难让自己被理解。
Being practically naked, there is a certain inhibition and vulnerability. 在完全赤裸后,就有了某种禁止和弱点了。
Being prepared for everyday challenges will help you to face them, too. According to Murphy's Law , if anything can go wrong, it will. 为日常的挑战预先作好准备会帮助你面对它们。根据莫非定律,该出状况的迟早都会出状况。

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