The sands in your way beg for your songs and your movement,dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness?
中文: 舞动着的流水啊,在你途中的泥沙,正乞求你的歌声,你的舞蹈呢!你是否肯背负跛足的泥沙向前奔腾? 更详细进入...
M: Yes, it was an inadequate excuse because I do have money.
中文: 我知道你有钱,只是为了不想看歌舞剧而找个借口才说没钱的。 更详细进入...
Fans sitting near the stage showered him with gifts and flowers - after all, it's the Chinese Valentine's Day (Chap Goh Meh) night.
中文: 坐在靠近舞台的歌迷送给他礼物和鲜花——毕竟,这是个是情人节。 更详细进入...
M: Yes, it was an inadequate excuse because I do hae money.
中文: 我知道你有钱,只是为了不想看歌舞剧而找个借口才说没钱的。 更详细进入...
The first rhyme she learned was:“Now I know my ABCs, won't you come and sing with me?
中文: 她最早学会的一段押韵词是:“我已学会了字母,何不一同来歌舞?” 更详细进入...
Classic tale of teen rebellion and repression features a delightful combination of dance choreography and realistic and touching performances.
中文: 凯文.培根主演的一部具有年轻人热力和冲动的歌唱舞蹈片,情节发展轻快流畅,摄于霹雳舞流行的1984年。 更详细进入...
My favourite DJ is about to play his set. Who wants to come and dance?
中文: 我最喜欢的音乐主持人就要播放他的歌曲了。谁想过来一起跳舞? 更详细进入...
Several famous rock operas have then gone on to become full-blown stage or film productions.
中文: 之后,有几部著名的摇滚歌剧相继成为成熟的舞台剧或电影作品。 更详细进入...
M: Why weren't you at school? Weren't you on the clean up committee for the dance?
中文: 男:你怎么不在学校呢?你不是舞会清扫组的成员吗? 更详细进入...
A good musical is a new play, a new opera and a new ballet all rolled into one.
中文: 一部好的音乐戏剧既是一部新戏剧,新歌剧、也是一部新芭蕾舞剧。 更详细进入...
His later work produced designs for the ballet, stained glass windows and paintings for the ceilings of the Paris Opera.
中文: 晚年,他曾为芭蕾舞、染色玻璃窗以及巴黎歌剧院的天顶画作设计。 更详细进入...
Several of the chants on Shaman Dancing are based on the ancient Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language.
中文: 个别撒满舞蹈时伴奏的圣歌是基于一种远古语言——原始印欧语(PIE)。 更详细进入...
The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage.
中文: 观众们看见这位著名歌唱家出现在舞台上时,立即齐声欢呼起来。 更详细进入...
Yunnan Flower Lantern Dance is very popular in Yunnan Province,wich is a combination of folk songs and dances with strong local flavors.It constitutes the main parts of the local dramas in Yunnan Province and relatively independent from other styles.
中文: 云南花灯是云南汉族地区光为流传的一种民间歌舞,乡土气息浓厚,并具有载歌载舞的表演特色,它既是云南地方戏曲中的重要组成部分,又具有相对的独立性,凡有花灯音乐的地方,就有花灯舞蹈。 更详细进入...
Simon wrote the songs, and the two harmonized on a series of hit singles and albums.
中文: 先由西蒙写歌,然后两人再以绝妙和谐的演奏出品了一系列经典名曲和专辑。 更详细进入...
The Sunday School children presented songs, dances, recited scriptures and many other performances.
中文: 当晚,主日学学校学生呈献许多的节目,如:唱歌,舞蹈,朗诵,背经句等等。 更详细进入...
I want to get to know the arena, know the slightest little detail, the least little step, the slightest spotlight, so that I could sing and dance with my eyes closed.
中文: 我想慢慢了解这舞台,能知道最细小的细节,最最小的每一阶和每个镁光灯,这样我才可以闭著眼睛唱歌跳舞。 更详细进入...
When her father suddenly dies of a heart attack and the government plans to demolish Prosperity Market, Miu decides to leave the market for good.
中文: 不久,妙父因心脏病离世,为免与鱼佬在富贵墟朝夕相对,阿妙乘著政府宣布清拆富贵墟之际,决定离开街市。 更详细进入...
A group or performer in a modern drama serving a purpose similar to the Greek chorus.
中文: 歌唱者,舞蹈者在现代剧中起与希腊合唱团相同作用的团体或演员 更详细进入...
Not hammer-strokes,but dance of the water sings,the pebbles into perfection.
中文: 不靠铁锤般的敲击,那是潺潺流水的载歌载舞,使卵石如此玲珑完美。 更详细进入...