In January he visited Europe, chiefly to emphasise that Japan was a staunch democratic partner on NATO's eastern flank.
中文: 一月之欧,以北约东侧民主死党之身份邀宠于欧人。 更详细进入...
Dishonesty is generally despised and condemned by the society.
中文: 不诚实的言行通常是被社会所鄙视和谴责的。 更详细进入...
Mr Lai claims Beijing-backed rivals for years stymied his attempt to list on the stock market.
中文: 黎智英声称亲北京对手多年来设法阻碍他的上市计划。 更详细进入...
It is nothing like my last trip to the North-east.
中文: 这和我上次的东北之行完全不同. 更详细进入...
She got them to hand over all their money by a wicked deceit .
中文: 她用卑鄙的手段使他们把所有的钱移交给她. 更详细进入...
The stink of the collected rivvin...how I despise them all.
中文: 维康妮亚:笨蛋聚集的臭味……我是多么鄙视他们。 更详细进入...
Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
中文: 给他人一个好名声,使其与之相配。 更详细进入...
I think we'd better call back the statement.
中文: 我认为我们最好收回之前的声明。 更详细进入...
We herein present an uncommon, elderly case of VCD.
中文: 我们报告一罕见之老年男性声带功能异常之病例。 更详细进入...
Before the summit talk between the two Korean states,
中文: 在朝鲜北南双方领导人 会晤之前, 更详细进入...
My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.
中文: 我的北京之旅不仅仅是游览观光。 更详细进入...
They will be in Taipei before the eve of the Chinese New Year.
中文: 他们在春节除夕之前将会在台北。 更详细进入...
Beijing is one of the most dynamic places in the world.
中文: 北京是世界上最活跃的城市之一。 更详细进入...
中文: 东北地区跃度蝗属鸣声结构的比较研究(直翅目:网翅蝗科) 更详细进入...
Before I tell you what I think of your problem, I should warn you that most FT readers under 40 (a few over 40) hold you in contempt.
中文: 在回答你的问题之前,我应该提醒你,本报大多数40岁以下的读者(和少数超过40岁的读者)都很鄙视你。 更详细进入...
We are continuing to assess the event, to determine the veracity of the claim made by the north korean government, that they conducted an underground nuclear test.
中文: 我们仍在继续评测这一事件,以确定北韩政府声明的准确性,他们声称进行了地下的核试验。 更详细进入...
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
中文: 虽然它的声音或许会粉碎你的梦,如同北风摧残花园一般。 更详细进入...
I look down upon this act and will not eat at McDonald's again,Leng said.
中文: “我鄙视这种行为,以后再也不会吃麦当劳了,”他说。 更详细进入...
Abomination! Vile creatures! You will fall before Mab.
中文: 可憎的家伙!卑鄙的生物!你必定会先于马伯而死。 更详细进入...
I pity you if you think this is an acceptable way to behave.
中文: 你要是认为这种行为可以原谅, 那你就太可鄙了. 更详细进入...