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    Bargains galore!

    中文: 备有丰富之特价品。 更详细进入...
    Most cities in Afghanistan can not withstand air strikes.

    中文: 阿富汗的大多数城市都抵抗不了空袭。 更详细进入...
    Now a millionaire , he typifies the self-made man.

    中文: 他成了百万富翁,可以说是白手起家的典型. 更详细进入...
    Now a millionaire, he typifies the self-made man.

    中文: 他成了百万富翁, 可以说是白手起家的典型. 更详细进入...
    Having only access to 2 percent of life cannot be regarded as living. When a person can have a hundred percent life, why will he determine to have only 2 percent life?

    中文: 这样过只有百分之二的生活就根本不算是在生活。当一个人能过百分之一百的生活,为什么要决定过百分之二的生活呢? 更详细进入...
    [KJV] All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred fourscore and four.

    中文: 所有在圣城的利未人,共二百八十四人。 更详细进入...
    One whose financial assets are worth several million dollars.

    中文: 千万富翁拥有价值数百万元美元资产的人 更详细进入...
    She put on airs after marrying a millionaire.

    中文: 她嫁给一个百万富翁后就学会了装腔作势。 更详细进入...
    The rich philanthropist donated millions of dollars to his alma mater.

    中文: 这位富有的慈善家给母校捐款数百万美元。 更详细进入...
    The lion is called the king of beasts.

    中文: 狮子号称百兽之王。 更详细进入...
    Beijing attracts millions of tourists every year. Without doubt one of the world's greatest tourist attractions is the Great Wall.

    中文: 北京每年吸引着数以百万的游客。长城无疑是世界上最具吸引力的旅游胜地之一。 更详细进入...
    A millionaire spending huge sums to pro-vide schools and hospitals and libraries?

    中文: 是百万富翁花巨资建造学校、医院或图书馆吗? 更详细进入...
    I notice that Honolulu is a very multicultural city.

    中文: 我发现檀香山是个富含多元文化的城市。 更详细进入...
    But the benefits of economic growth have not been shared equally and there is a gaping health divide between different regions and communities including rich and poor, urban and rural, and migrant and resident communities within cities.

    中文: 但在不同地区和群体中经济利益增长存在着不均衡,其中包括贫富、城乡以及城市内的流动人口和居民之间的差距。 更详细进入...
    B:But his father is a millionaire who foots the bill for him.

    中文: 但他爸爸是个百万富翁,是他爸爸替他掏的钱。 更详细进入...
    In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor.

    中文: 总而言之,节俭使穷人变富,奢侈使富人变穷。 更详细进入...
    Must to throw the large amount of money to establish certain million funds, 3 million funds, the composition the wisdom fund, accomplishes the Chinese one group of wisdoms millionaires talented people.

    中文: 要向投巨资建立若干“百万基金”、“三百万资金”,组成“智慧基金”,造就中国一批智慧型百万富翁人才。 更详细进入...
    Leslie: On an order of six hundred, we can give you a discount of ten percent.

    中文: 六百的话,我们可以给你百分之十的折扣。 更详细进入...
    When we book such a large order with other suppliers,we usually get a2 [JBCOLOR%/JBCOLOR] to3 [JBCOLOR%/JBCOLOR] discount.

    中文: 我们从别处买这么多货,人家都给百分之二到百分之三的折扣。 更详细进入...
    Is this another one of your surefire cures?

    中文: 这是你的又一个百分之百有效的疗法吗? 更详细进入...

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