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    I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.

    中文: 38我差你们去收你们所没有劳苦的。别人劳苦,你们享受他们所劳苦的。 更详细进入...
    How unusual are the cases we saw in this week's readings where self-interest plays a role in shaping participation patterns?

    中文: 这星期书目案例中说明私利形成参与模式,这究竟有多少是不寻常? 更详细进入...
    Industry produces ruches .

    中文: 勤劳生财。 更详细进入...
    Based on the theory of labour value, the surplus theory is the demonstration of the surplus labour of workers.

    中文: 摘要剩馀价值理论是以劳动价值论为基础,是劳动者剩馀劳动的体现。 更详细进入...
    Party A and Party B may rescind the labor contract with written notice according to Party A's regulation and government law.

    中文: 甲乙双方可以依据法律和公司的规章制度以书面形式通知对方解除劳动合同。 更详细进入...
    The labour force in the region, meanwhile, is growing at 3.5 per cent to 4 per cent and creating unprecedented labour tensions.

    中文: 而与此同时,中东地区的劳动力队伍每年扩大3.5%至4%,形成前所未有的就业压力。 更详细进入...
    Due to the lack of work force, “buruh India” was brought in.

    中文: 鉴于劳力资源不足,他们便引入印度劳工。 更详细进入...
    The labor value theory of Marx only admits that the living labor that engages in material production directly creates value, but the means and object of labor as labor coagulation are materialized labor and can only transfer value, and at the same time it

    中文: 摘要马克思劳动价值论中只承认直接从事物质生产的活劳动才创造价值,而作为社会劳动凝结物的劳动手段和劳动对象是物化劳动,只能转移价值,同时也承认非劳动生产要素在价值创造中的作用。 更详细进入...
    In Laurie's dormitory,the telephone rings. Laurie picks up the receiver.

    中文: 在劳丽的宿舍,电话响了,劳丽拿起了话筒。 更详细进入...
    The labour administrative department of the State Counciln is responsible for labour work in the whole country.

    中文: 国务院劳动行政部门主管全国劳动工作。 更详细进入...
    SEC.15. That the words Chinese laborers, wherever used in this act shall be construed to mean both skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese employed in mining.

    中文: 出现在此法案中的词组“中国劳工”,指被一切熟练或非熟练的中国工人,以及一切被矿主雇用的中国人。 更详细进入...
    Rewarding a criminal by paying him for an exclusive account of his crime is one of the worst forms of cheque-book journalism.

    中文: 重金酬劳罪犯以取得独家报道其犯罪的权利是重金新闻业最糟糕的形式之一。 更详细进入...
    Rewarding a criminal by paying him for an exclusive account of his crime is one of the worst forms of cheque-book journalism .

    中文: 重金酬劳罪犯以取得独家报道其犯罪的权利是重金新闻业最糟糕的形式之一。 更详细进入...
    At 5:30, George rings Laurie's doorbell and Laurie answers.

    中文: (在五点半,乔治按劳丽的门铃,劳丽去开门。) 更详细进入...
    This research attempts to study career strategces used by labors worked in petrochemical industry and to compare each construct among labors of upstream, middle and downstream section.

    中文: 研究结果显示,各层劳工对特定生涯策略有其偏好,上游劳工比下游劳工较常采努力投入,而下游劳工则比中游劳工较常寻求生涯指导。 更详细进入...
    Jn. 4:38 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.

    中文: 约四38我差你们去收你们所没有劳苦的,别人劳苦,你们享受他们所劳苦的。 更详细进入...
    Article 8 Labourers shall, through the assembly of staff and workers or their congress, or other forms in accordance with the provisions of laws, rules and regulations, take part in democratic management or consult with the employing units on an equal foo

    中文: 第八条劳动者依照法律规定,通过职工大会、职工代表大会或者其他形式,参与民主管理或者就保护劳动者合法权益与用人单位进行平等协商。 更详细进入...
    The room, though, is subject to memories as well, and so the film wanders off to other encounters that are variations on the same futility.

    中文: 这个房间,也因此成了所有记忆的所在,于是在电影中我们还看到了其他形形色色有着相同遭遇而徒劳挣扎的人们。 更详细进入...
    There also are cases involving P.R.C. men and women smuggled into destination countries throughout the world at an enormous personal financial cost and then forced into commercial sexual exploitation or exploitative labor in order to repay debts to traffi

    中文: 此间还有些案例是偷渡者为了向蛇头偿还巨额的偷渡费用而被商业化性剥削或被迫从事剥削性劳动。 更详细进入...
    He does not have $43bn to spare (Berkshire Hathaway's cash pile happens exactly to match McDonald's stock market value) and had to amass his 5 per cent stake in McDonald's mostly in options.

    中文: 他没有430亿美元的机动资金(伯克希尔哈撒韦的现金储备恰巧等于麦当劳的市值),而且不得不主要以期权形式积聚他在麦当劳5%的股份。 更详细进入...

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