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SEC.15. That the words Chinese laborers, wherever used in this act shall be construed to mean both skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese employed in mining.

SEATTLE - There is a rhythm to Chien-Ming Wang when he is pitching well, a sort of comforting tempo that is as smooth as the bounces of a routine ground ball. 当王小民投球顺畅时会有一定的节奏,那是一种令人安心的节拍,就像是那些弹跳著的规律的滚地球一样.
SEATTLE -- The Yankees had no answers for left-hander Jarrod Washburn and the Mariners on Friday, which may open the door for a whole new wave of questions. #NAME?
SEATTLE -- Yankees reliever Scott Proctor dropped his appeal of a four-game suspension on Saturday, opting instead to begin serving his sentence immediately. 洋基中继投手普洛克特于周六放弃对禁赛四场之处分进行上诉,并选择即日起服从球刑。
SEATTLE, Dec. 13 (Ticker) -- Baron Davis missed a game-winning layup in regulation, so he stepped a long way back to win it in overtime. 西雅图12月13号--拜伦.戴维斯在正式比赛中投失了可以拿下比赛的一个球,于是他在加时赛里透进了这个球。
SEATTLE, Dec. 15 (Ticker) -- Now that he's healthy for the first time this season, Tracy McGrady isn't going to let something like fatigue keep the Houston Rockets from streaking. 西雅图,12.15--现在他这个赛季第一次健康的出现在赛场,特雷西.麦克格雷迪看起来不再疲惫,继续让休斯敦火箭保持裸奔。
SEC.15. That the words Chinese laborers, wherever used in this act shall be construed to mean both skilled and unskilled laborers and Chinese employed in mining. 出现在此法案中的词组“中国劳工”,指被一切熟练或非熟练的中国工人,以及一切被矿主雇用的中国人。
SECOND LOVE: Music, ranging from gospel to rock and roll. Saw Elton John perform in Atlanta this winter. 业余爱好:从福音音乐到摇滚乐都喜欢。在今年冬季观看了艾尔顿·约翰在亚特兰大的个人演唱会。
SECRET is a new algorithm for scalable linear regression trees. SECRET是一个关于可伸缩线形回归树的算法。
SECTION 11 Forfeiture of Cash Bond Deposit – The Director may forfeit the cash bond deposit in favor of the government upon the cancellation of the license for cause. 第十一节现金债券保证金的没收——因故取消执照时,局长可以以政府为收款人没收现金债券保证金。
SECTION 2 License to Operate a Commercial Fishing Vessel/Gear – No person shall operate a commercial fishing vessel in Philippine waters without a license duly granted by the Bureau; Provided, That no such license shall be required of a fishing vessel eng 第2节操作商业渔船/渔具的执照——没有局正式授予的执照,任何人不得在菲律宾海域驾驶商业渔船;如渔船依照菲律宾为签约国之一的国际协议在菲律宾海域进行科学、研究或教育为目的的活动,而该协议说明了所述船只、其船员及其所属国际机构非菲律宾官员的地位、特权和义务,则该船不需要持有此执照。
SECTION 22 Keeping of Record Books of Fish Catch – The owner, licensee, master, or any person-in-charge of a fishing vessel shall have a record book on board the boat reflecting the fish catch, fishing area, the quantity in tubs/boxes or other containers 第二十二节保持捕鱼记录册——渔船的船主、持照人、雇主或任何负责人应当在船上保持一本记录册,以五年为期反映上一次录入以来的捕鱼,捕鱼区,用桶/箱或其它容器以公斤计的捕鱼量,腐坏量,靠岸点,转运和/或其它处理方式。

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