Should the death penalty be abolished?
中文: 应该废除死刑吗? 更详细进入...
The rebels are deep in slaughter. I will discipline all of them.
中文: 2这些悖逆的人,肆行杀戮,罪孽极深。我却斥责他们众人。 更详细进入...
Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail after a judge ruled she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than under house arrest.
中文: 这回这是泣不成声了,帕里斯·希尔顿从法庭被押回到监狱.之前,法官宣判,她必须在监狱服满45天的刑期,而不能在家里服刑. 更详细进入...
The following steps may be effective: take into account all the details related to a crime including the circumstances for discretion without regard to the concrete legal circumstances presumably; decide abstractly the standard of punishment which should
中文: 刑法规定的法定量刑情节需要一个参照基准,应在假定不考虑犯罪人的具体法定量刑情节的基础上,考虑犯罪人所有的与犯罪有关的全部犯罪细节包括酌定情节,抽象地确定这一犯罪应当适用的基准刑罚,再在此基础上,考虑量刑的法定情节,对基准刑罚进行适当的调整。 更详细进入...
A consultable standard is needed while applying the legal circumstances stipulated in the penal code.
中文: 量刑的公正应当体现在不同个案的相互比较中。 更详细进入...
Any serviceman who, piloting an aircraft or a vessel, defects, or if there are other especially serious circumstances involved, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death.
中文: 驾驶航空器、舰船叛逃的,或者有其他特别严重情节的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。 更详细进入...
With the improvement of reform of criminal court trial system, the current Criminal Procedure Law bestows equal rights on the accused and the defended to provide evidence and to question the witness in the procedure of trial.
中文: 摘要随着刑事庭审制度改革的不断完善,我国现行《刑事诉讼法》赋予了控诉方和辩护方在刑事庭审过程中双方权利对等的提出证据权和质证权。 更详细进入...
The aim of our criminal policy is to accomplish restorative justice; the pattern of criminal policy based on both national and social interests supersedes the pattern based on national interests; and we should adopt a criminal policy that applies slight a
中文: 实现恢复性正义是中国构建社会主义和谐社会的目标,国家与社会双本位型刑事政策取代国家本位型刑事政策是当代社会刑事政策的最佳选择;以“轻轻重重,轻重结合”的刑事政策替代重刑化的刑事政策是其基本取向。 更详细进入...
The burglar was sentenced to death.
中文: 那个窃贼被判死刑。 更详细进入...
The criminal was condemned to death.
中文: 这个罪犯被判死刑。 更详细进入...
The murderer was sentenced to death.
中文: 杀人犯被判处死刑。 更详细进入...
Criminal Retrial Reason Research
中文: 刑事再审理由研究 更详细进入...
They say she is suffering from an unspecified medical condition and have placed her under house arrest.
中文: 他们称其遇到了健康情况,但是对病因未加详细说明,所以允许她在家中服刑。 更详细进入...
Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set.
中文: 结21:16刀阿、你归在右边、摆在左边、你面向那方、就向那方杀戮。 更详细进入...
If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!
中文: 19神阿、你必要杀戮恶人.所以你们好流人血的、离开我去罢。 更详细进入...
Causality in criminal law is a rather important and complex issue both in theory of criminal law and in practice of criminal law.
中文: 摘要无论在刑法理论上,还是在刑法实践上,刑法因果关系都是一个极其重要而又极其复杂的问题。 更详细进入...
Originally, banishment was an alternative to death granted by the Emperor, but it evolved to become a for mal punishment between 468AD to 472AD during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Song Dynasty.
中文: 六朝的流徙刑主要仍是一种代刑的地位,是皇帝给予死刑犯或者严重罪恶的牵连犯的一项恩宥。 更详细进入...
Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976, except in the case of certain military offences.
中文: 第四、加拿大的司法实践:加拿大1976年废除了死刑。根据加法律,不能将罪犯引渡给可能判处其死刑的国家。 更详细进入...
Light purpose and our country realizing a heavy penalty spending the change melting to light punishment , according with a humanitarianism in terms of theory , must penalty-rization that thought , penalty rationalism , penalty are modest restraining thoug
中文: 在我国,实现重刑化向轻刑化的转变,在理论上符合人道主义、非刑罚化思想、刑罚理性主义、刑罚谦抑思想及我国刑罚的目的和我国历史上轻刑化主张的要求;在实践上,有利于克服重刑化弊端,全面贯彻以人为本,切实保障受害人和犯罪人的合法权益,尤其是罪犯的人权,在处理双方法律关系中实现社会的公平正义。 更详细进入...
Repeatedly Japanese government has reiterated DS will not be abolished in short term, though huge pressure from DS opponents and international society are just there.
中文: 虽然日本也有反对死刑者,而且面临巨大的国际压力,但日本政府多次重申,死刑在近期内绝对不能废除。 更详细进入...