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Causality in criminal law is a rather important and complex issue both in theory of criminal law and in practice of criminal law.

Caught the joyous mood of the festival. 被节日的欢乐气氛所感染
Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality. 堂吉珂德式的沉湎于传奇故事中崇高业绩并追求无法实现的目标的;不考虑到实际的观念的
Caught up in the touch. 沉浸在爱抚之中。
Cauldrons are a basic item for any witch or wizard. 不论对女巫或是男巫来说,坩埚都是一种基本的用品。
Causality diagram theory is an uncertainty reasoning methodology based on probability theory, it can progress dynamic reasoning online and fault diagnosis to complex system, but the probability is precision value in causality diagram. 摘要因果图理论是一种基于概率论的不确定推理模型,能够进行在线动态推理和对复杂系统进行故障诊断,但在因果图模型中,要求事件的发生概率为精确值。
Causality in criminal law is a rather important and complex issue both in theory of criminal law and in practice of criminal law. 摘要无论在刑法理论上,还是在刑法实践上,刑法因果关系都是一个极其重要而又极其复杂的问题。
Causality presumption is the issue that stretches over tort law and the proof law, it has little influences in the legislation and court, compared with the fault presumption. 摘要古典因果关系理论不适应现代社会,在环境侵权领域,因果关系之调整以及因果关系推定之确立乃属必然。
Cause I can feel U breathe. 我可以感觉到你的呼吸。
Cause I can feel you breathe. 我可以感觉到你的呼吸。
Cause I can't always be around 因为我不能总在你身边。
Cause I can't still the voice inside of me.That is calling out your name. 我无法停止我内心的声音,它在呼唤你的名字。

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