“To be my awful wedded wife.
中文: “成为我可怕的妻子。” 更详细进入...
He has a wife and seven children to provide for.
中文: 他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。 更详细进入...
I'd like to sit with my son(wife).
中文: 我想和我儿子(妻子)坐在一起。 更详细进入...
Our wives and children will be taken as plunder.
中文: 我们的妻子和孩子必被掳掠。 更详细进入...
1 Cor. 7:13 And a wife who has an unbelieving husband, and if he consents to dwell with her, must not leave her husband.
中文: 林前七13妻子有不信的丈夫,丈夫也情愿和她同住,她就不要离弃丈夫。 更详细进入...
Resonance Scattering Detection of Trace Hg2 Using Herring Sperm NDA Modified Nanogold
中文: 一个检测痕量汞离子的鱼精DNA修饰纳米金共振散射光谱法 更详细进入...
And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not send her husband away.
中文: 林前7:13妻子有不信的丈夫、丈夫也情愿和他同住、他就不要离弃丈夫。 更详细进入...
He said, “I told my wife Stephanie that I want to be the one to take her to the doctor for medicine and cancer treatments.
中文: 他说,为了照顾他生病的妻子,他非常乐意停赛,因为他深爱着妻子和孩子。 更详细进入...
I was strolling along the Boulevard Beaumarchais, rich by a hundred francs or so which my wife had frantically cabled from America.
中文: 那天我正沿着博马舍林荫道散步,身上装着我妻子从美国赶忙寄来的一百多法郎,很阔气。 更详细进入...
By the way, what's your wife doing?
中文: 另外,你妻子在干什么? 更详细进入...
Give my best regards to your wife.
中文: 请代我向你妻子问好。 更详细进入...
His wife was a constant inspiration to him.
中文: 他的妻子经常鼓励他。 更详细进入...
My wife and I were at the race.
中文: 我和我的妻子也去了。 更详细进入...
My wife warn me to shot the window.
中文: 我妻子提醒我我关窗. 更详细进入...
She will make him a good wife.
中文: 她将成为他的好妻子。 更详细进入...
Teacher: neither does my wife!!
中文: 老师:我妻子也不明白。 更详细进入...
Observables can be either continuous (e.g., the position of a particle) or discrete (e.g., the energy of an electron bound to a hydrogen atom).
中文: 可见可以要么是连续的(也即一个粒子的位置)或离散(也即电子的能量受氢原子束缚)。 更详细进入...
Adam called his wife Eve.
中文: 亚当称他的妻子夏娃. 更详细进入...
He can depend on his wife for sympathy.
中文: 他相信妻子会同情他。 更详细进入...
He survived his wife for many years.
中文: 他比妻子多活好多年。 更详细进入...