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    Even good publicity could make a banker uppity, disloyal and limelight-seeking.

    中文: 即便是好的知名度也会让一个银行家变的傲慢,狡诈和虚荣。 更详细进入...
    Relinquish unreasonable attachments, and accept the truth with a humble mind. Only humility brings good, while arrogance causes nothing but unfavorable outcomes.

    中文: 放弃无理的执著,谦虚受教真理;谦虚才能受益,傲慢必定吃亏。 更详细进入...
    They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly; All who do wickedness vaunt themselves.

    中文: 诗94:4他们絮絮叨叨、说傲慢的话.一切作孽的人、都自己夸张。 更详细进入...
    The second, and far more dangerous, source of legal plunder is thearrogant mentality of the social engineer.

    中文: 第二个,要危险得多,合法掠来源于社会工程师们的傲慢心态。 更详细进入...
    He's such a little squirt.

    中文: 他年纪不大,傲气不小。 更详细进入...
    Instead, Washington's ideological hubris and practical incompetence have succeeded only in setting the region ablaze, awakening extremist and militant voices.

    中文: 相反,华盛顿的傲慢及办事不力不仅使该地区燃起战火,还唤醒了极端主义和好战分子的势力。 更详细进入...
    Not for him the arrogance of power we see so much of these days.

    中文: 当今时代我们所看到的那种因权力而傲慢的普遍现象,在福特总统身上就完全看不到。 更详细进入...
    Having or showing excessive and arrogant self-confidence; presumptuous.

    中文: 冒昧的,放肆的拥有或显示过分的或傲慢的自信的;自行其事的 更详细进入...
    They are consigned to a life of fiddling with contraptions in the hopes of somehow discovering a way of pleasing their overbearing mate.

    中文: 他们平时的生活就是制作精巧的设计来取悦自己傲慢的配偶。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers are full of boasting.

    中文: 4[和合]他们絮絮叨叨,说傲慢的话;一切作7孽的人,都自己8夸张。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] Let the false lips be shut, which say evil against the upright, looking down on him in their pride.

    中文: 那撒谎的人,逞骄傲轻慢,出狂妄的话攻击义人。愿他的嘴哑而无言。 更详细进入...
    Scientific scandals, which are as old as science itself, tend to follow similar patterns of hubris and comeuppance.

    中文: 科学丑闻与科学一样长久,往往是相似的傲慢,且最终要受到惩罚。 更详细进入...
    To be a champion athlete means developing an élitist attitude -- not involving arrogance, but rather an unceasing desire to learn and improve.

    中文: 成为冠军运动员意味着养成一种杰出人物的态度,不是说要傲慢,而是指坚持不懈地学习提高的愿望。 更详细进入...
    Women shall become snake-like in their gait, and every step they take will be full arrogance.

    中文: 妇女的步态会变得像蛇一样,她们所走的每一步会充满着傲慢自大。 更详细进入...
    Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.

    中文: 18那撒谎的人逞骄傲轻慢,出狂妄的话攻击义人;愿他的嘴哑而无言。 更详细进入...
    Nose: A wide nose with bulbous sides is a sign of arrogance, while a flat nose means you lack confidence.

    中文: 鼻子:鼻子宽大,鼻翼鼓出是傲慢的象征,而扁鼻子意味着你缺乏自信。 更详细进入...
    If you don’t, he says you are proud.

    中文: 如果不好,他说你骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Take your time and don't gabble!

    中文: 慢慢说,不要快得叫人听不清! 更详细进入...
    She picked him up for using bad language.

    中文: 她指责他出言不逊. 更详细进入...
    The human occupant had a certain pride in being loose enough and connected enough to find the data in all things.

    中文: 人类居住者有某些傲慢充分地释放而就能充分连接发现万物的数据。 更详细进入...

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