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He's such a little squirt.

He's such a ,snotty-nosed little wimp. 他是个高傲而懦弱的人.
He's such a couch potato. 他老是泡在电视机前。
He's such a cute little liar you can't walk away from him… it's like he's writing you a letter, one of those flowerpots that he makes overnight. 他是一个高明的小骗子,你简直无法从他身边走开……就像他正在给你写信,像一夜间就粗制滥造出一只花盆来。
He's such a good athlete that most sports come naturally to him. 他擅长运动, 多数运动项目对他来说都轻而易举.
He's such a good swimmer that he makes me look sick. 他游得这么好,真叫我相形见绌。
He's such a little squirt. 他年纪不大,傲气不小。
He's such a nondescript you'd never notice him in a crowd. 他没有什麽特徵, 在人群里决显不出他来.
He's such a nondescript you'd never notice him in a crowd. 他没有什麽特徵,在人群里决显不出他来.
He's such a smarty. He always aces his tests. 他真是个聪明的人,考试总能过关。
He's such a sophisticated person that no one can really guess what he is proposing. 他是个如此复杂的人因此没有人能真正猜透他在盘算着什么。
He's such an obstinate cuss that he'll break his horns rather than give up. 听到这话,范诺登又鼓足劲儿干起来,活像一头老公羊。

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