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    For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

    中文: 路8:17因为掩藏的事、没有不显出来的.隐瞒的事、没有不露出来被人知道的。 更详细进入...
    A party may move to suppress or exclude certain evidence at this stage.

    中文: 一方当事人可以在这个阶段提议隐瞒或排除某类证据。 更详细进入...
    He demanded to know what Lucy had done that morning, but she palmed him off with some story or other.

    中文: 他要求知道露西那天早上干了些什么,可是她用一套假话把他瞒过去了。 更详细进入...
    Mr Chávez accused PDVSA of hiding its profits from the government through deceptive accounting.

    中文: 查韦斯指责PDVSA通过虚假会计向政府隐瞒了它的收益。 更详细进入...
    Speech was given to men to conceal their thoughts.

    中文: 之所以赐予人们语言,就是为了让他们隐瞒自己的思想。 更详细进入...
    For nothing is hidden which shall not become manifest, nor concealed which shall not by all means be made known and come into the open.

    中文: 17因为隐藏的事没有不成为显明的,隐瞒的事也绝没有不被人知道而暴露出来的。 更详细进入...
    Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself, any such messages will be removed at the discretion of either a forum moderator or administrator.

    中文: 八、不要冒充他人或隐瞒自己第一真实ID而发言。任何以上的这类信息经管理员判断均将被删除。 更详细进入...
    Revenues which must be listed in the budget in accordance with relevant regulations, may not be concealed or incompletely listed, and the abnormal receipts in the previous year may not be taken as the basis for the compilation of the budgetary revenues.

    中文: 按照规定必须列入预算的收入,不得隐瞒、少列,也不得将上年的非正常收入作为编制预算收入的依据。 更详细进入...
    While in his teens, he had to take a job as a janitor when his father lost his job and he had to juggle both school and work.

    中文: 十几岁时,父亲失去工作,他不得不找了份看门的差事并对学校和工作地都做了隐瞒。 更详细进入...
    He must know more than he will admit--I think he's holding out on us.

    中文: 他了解的情况一定比他承认的要多,我认为他在对我们隐瞒。 更详细进入...
    On the other hand, if I had dealt treacherously with his life (there is nothing hidden from the king), you would have set yourself against me.

    中文: 13我若妄为不忠,害了他的性命,就是你自己也必与我为敌,因为无论何事都瞒不过王。 更详细进入...
    Donald Rumsfeld says he'd never take part in a cover-up.

    中文: 唐纳德.拉姆斯菲尔德表示,他从未参与过隐瞒公众真相的事情。 更详细进入...
    The units and the withholding agents being inspected must report thereto true to fact and provide relevant materials, and may not refuse or make any concealment.

    中文: 被检查的单位和扣缴义务人必须据实报告,并提供有关资料,不得拒绝或者隐瞒。 更详细进入...
    If the policy holder conceals the actual circumstances of the insured property, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the contract or shall not be liable for making indemnity.

    中文: 投保方如隐瞒被保险财产的真实情况,保险方有权解除合同或不负赔偿责任。 更详细进入...
    If you stop holding back and let your true feelings be known for a change you will get the response you're been waiting for.

    中文: 天蝎座:如果你不再犹豫,不再隐瞒自己的真是感受,就有机会得到你一直等待的反应。 更详细进入...
    Lk. 8:17 For nothing is hidden which shall not become manifest, nor concealed which shall not by all means be made known and come into the open.

    中文: 路八17因为隐藏的事没有不成为显明的,隐瞒的事也绝没有不被人知道而暴露出来的。 更详细进入...
    “Don't worry about it, I will care. If I was with child, I will not cozen you, ha ha!” the refreshing voice of the woman rang again!

    中文: “你放心好了啦,我不会那么不注意的,即便是有了也不会瞒你的,嘿嘿!”女人清爽的声音再度响起! 更详细进入...
    To be frank with you, your English is really poor!! But don't worry, be a man who never gives up. It's impossible to defeat a person who never gives up!

    中文: 不瞒你说,你的英语真的很差!!但是别担心,做一个不放弃的人。打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的! 更详细进入...
    Antipredator Behavior. Detection; Tricking the Predator; Defenses -- Individual, Social; Other Adaptations.

    中文: 7躲避掠食者的行为。侦查;欺瞒掠食者;防御--个体,社群;其他的适应。 更详细进入...
    “Don't worry about it, i will care. if i was with child, i will not cozen you,aha!” the refreshing voice of the woman rang again!

    中文: “你放心好了啦,我不会那么不注意的,即便是有了也不会瞒你的,嘿嘿!”女人清爽的声音再度响起! 更详细进入...

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