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Donald Rumsfeld says he'd never take part in a cover-up.

Donald Kennedy, a neuroscientist who is also editor of Science, says it is likely that “some extension of the domain of exculpatory conditions” will be made as a result of neuroscientific advances. 一个神经科学家,也是科学杂志的编辑,说它很可能是“一些辩解条件的领域的扩展”,将作为神经系统科学进步的一个结果。
Donald Revell is a Professor of English at the University of Utah. 唐纳德-瑞沃是美国犹他大学的英语教授。
Donald Rumsfeld resigned as US defence secretary yesterday after the Democratic party won a resounding victory in mid-term Congressional elections that were considered a referendum on the war in . 唐纳德?拉姆斯菲尔德昨日辞去美国国防部长一职。此前,在被视为美国对伊拉克战争全民公决的中期选举中,民主党赢得了明确胜利。
Donald Rumsfeld resigned as US defence secretary yesterday after the Democratic party won a resounding victory in mid-term Congressional elections that were considered a referendum on the war in Iraq. 唐纳德?拉姆斯菲尔德昨日辞去美国国防部长一职。此前,在被视为美国对伊拉克战争全民公决的中期选举中,民主党赢得了明确胜利。
Donald Rumsfeld says he never take part in a cover-up. 唐纳德·琳斯菲德表示他并没有参与掩盖事实。
Donald Rumsfeld says he'd never take part in a cover-up. 唐纳德.拉姆斯菲尔德表示,他从未参与过隐瞒公众真相的事情。
Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens, into a middle-class family. 唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。
Donald Tsang is good at pay rise and job creation,people suffered. 特首只为高官同事加人工和职位,人民受害.
Donald Tsang, Hong Kong's chief executive, the successor to the governor, was formerly a senior member of Lord Patten's administration. 香港代替总督的行政长官曾荫权,曾经在总督彭定康手下担任高级职员。
Donald Wertlieb, a professor of child development at the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development at Tufts University, warned that such punishment could do extreme emotional damage. 塔夫斯大学埃利奥特-皮尔森儿童发展部的唐纳德·沃特莱博教授警告说,这样的惩罚会对孩子的情感造成极度伤害。
Donald be forced to forge a signature. 唐纳德被迫伪造签字。

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