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    Real lovers will feel disconsolate of miss only part from each other , have feeling of mutual love, know who are your lover, who are your important person in your heart.

    中文: 真正相爱的人只有在分离之后才能体会到思念的惆怅,才能体会到相爱的感觉,才能明白谁是你的最爱,谁是你心里最重要的人。 更详细进入...
    Should you care to write (and only the saints know why you should) you must needs have knowledge and art and music -- the knowledge of the music of words, the art of being artless, and the magic of loving your readers.

    中文: 如若你爱写(唯有圣人才知道你为何爱),你必得有知识、艺术和音乐——语言的音韵知识,朴实无华的艺术和热爱读者的魔力。 更详细进入...
    The thirsty man craved for water.

    中文: 那个囗渴的人渴喝水。 更详细进入...
    We treasure resources.We cherish talents.

    中文: 我们珍惜资源,我们爱惜人才。 更详细进入...
    Do you suppose,’ asked the second one, that you are the only living thing that craves with a hungry longing to hear the cuckoo's note again?

    中文: 第二只燕子说:“你以为只有你才渴望再一次听到杜鹃的啼声吗?” 更详细进入...
    GOD says, So they would love you!

    中文: 上帝说:“这样她们才会爱上你!” 更详细进入...
    K: Yes. I love his good-looking, his shyness and his supereme talent.

    中文: 是的。我爱他的英俊,爱他的腼腆和他的才华横溢。 更详细进入...
    The rivers of our brothers they quench our thirst.

    中文: 河水就如同我们的兄弟,满足了我们的乾渴。 更详细进入...
    Holden craves the innocence and simplicity of childhood, while at the same time doing a number of “adult” things such as trying to get a drink in a bar and meeting with a prostitute.

    中文: 霍尔顿渴望孩提时代的天真和单纯,同时他却又做着许多“大人”才做的事,譬如试图在酒吧里喝酒,还到过妓院。 更详细进入...
    Love is not believable because it is visible , but it is visible because you believe in it .

    中文: 有时候,爱情不是看到了才相信,而是相信才看得到。 更详细进入...
    Sometimes love is not believable due to sight but can see it after believing it.

    中文: 有时候,爱情不是看到了才相信,而是相信才看得到。 更详细进入...
    And some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor's touch or a pastor's prayer.

    中文: 有些需要是如此的迫切,有些伤痕是如此的深刻,只有导师的爱抚、牧师的祈祷才能有所感触。 更详细进入...
    Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks,can I count on this man?

    中文: 即便女人渴望爱情,她们会自己问自己:我能指望这个男人吗? 更详细进入...
    I love to compete and simply love the game. Just the desire for winning keeps me motivated.

    中文: 我喜欢竞争,也热爱篮球。一直在激励着我的是对胜利的渴望。 更详细进入...
    However, despite only recently returning to full training, Cole is keen to play a part against the Spanish giants on Wednesday.

    中文: 不过,尽管最近才恢复全面训练,科尔渴望能在周三出战西甲劲旅。 更详细进入...
    The trees,like the longings of the earth,stand a-tiptoe to peep at the heaven.

    中文: 树踮着脚尖窥视着天空,恰如大地长久的渴望。 更详细进入...
    Wolf:I can see your pretty face !

    中文: 狼:这样我才能看到你可爱的脸! 更详细进入...
    So you would LOVE them, GOD replies.

    中文: “这样你才会爱她们。”上帝回答说。 更详细进入...
    How fast can I grow up to see what is love ?

    中文: 多久我才能长大了解什么是爱? 更详细进入...
    How can I persuade you of my love?

    中文: 我怎样才能使你相信我的爱呢? 更详细进入...

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