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However, despite only recently returning to full training, Cole is keen to play a part against the Spanish giants on Wednesday.

However, deeply moved by a withering little life, I can't help paying my divine respect to her. 然而,一个即将谢幕的幼小的生命,却让我如此动容,让我庄严地向她致敬!
However, depending on the choice of the rule, the \'retiring group\' may be different. 然而,随着规则选择的不同,这些“放弃的人群”也会不一样。
However, depending on the differences among E.coli strains, and the procedures used to extract and purify endotoxin that serves as standard for these measurements, some differences might occur in the specific activity. 然而,依靠大肠杆菌张力的不同,用这些测量法的标准,过程中曾经析取和净化内毒素,一些不同的力量存在比活性。
However, describing the difference thus does not really ① do justice to the difference at all. 然而,仅仅是描述不同并不能完全揭示它们的本质的不同。
However, despite making their case at a workshop in Dusseldorf earlier this month, the idea was today rejected at a meeting of the World Cup organising committee. 埃里克森表示希望留下足够时间,以观察球员的表现以及伤病恢复情况,之后再决定世界杯参赛球员名单。
However, despite only recently returning to full training, Cole is keen to play a part against the Spanish giants on Wednesday. 不过,尽管最近才恢复全面训练,科尔渴望能在周三出战西甲劲旅。
However, despite short-term success, long-term graft attrition continues to be a significant problem, thus leaving clinicians looking for possible interventions. 然而,虽然近期效果良好,但移植物长期存活仍然是未能解决的突出问题,因此需要医师需求可能的干预措施。
However, despite signs of closer relations, Russian lawmakers voted against allowing Mr. Chavez to address them in a full session of the country's lower house of Parliament. 然而,尽管双方显现除了更密切的关系的迹象,俄罗斯立法者否决了让查韦斯在议会下院大会上作演讲的要求。
However, despite the dollar's recent weakness, there is little evidence of cross-currency carry trades - perhaps investors learned their lesson from the losses suffered in April, when the dollar rebounded, hitting those who had borrowed the greenback. 然而,尽管美元近期走弱,但几乎没有交叉货币结转交易的迹象,也许投资人从4月份的损失中尝到了教训,当时美元反弹,使那些借入美元的人遭到打击。
However, despite the latitude for accepting oppositional cases under the ethical rules, posi?tional conflicts pose unique barriers for pro bono cases. 但尽管在符合道德规范的情况下对接受立场相反的案件尚有回旋余地,立场冲突对公益性案件构成了独特的障碍。
However, developing your reusable codebase involves more than just sifting through past projects for a few handy tidbits. 但是,开发可复用的代码库并不仅仅是从过去的项目中保留一些方便的小功能。

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