He's the most vile kind of creature.
中文: 他是最卑劣的生物。 更详细进入...
Humility is the foundation of glory.
中文: 谦卑是荣誉的基础。 更详细进入...
Your words have helped the tottering to stand, And you have strengthened feeble knees.
中文: 伯4:4你的言语曾扶助那将要跌倒的人.你又使软弱的膝稳固。 更详细进入...
Since TV is a mass media, a TV host or hostess should obey the body language norm such as countenance, expression in one's eyes, gesture, posture, dress and one's personal adornment, otherwise it will certainly weaken the expressing effect of language.
中文: 摘要电视是声像传播媒体,主持人在形体语言、服饰语言等方面违背态势语规范的现象会削弱有声语言的表达效果。 更详细进入...
Vote for leaders who pledge to solve this crisis.
中文: 投票给誓言要解决气候危机的人。 更详细进入...
For small fields, air is a good insulator—electrons attach to oxygen atoms faster than they are knocked loose by collisions—and electric current cannot flow in any appreciable amount.
中文: 对微弱的电场而言,空气是优良的绝缘体(电子附著到氧原子上的速度,大于受冲撞而游离的速度),并不会有可观的电流流通。 更详细进入...
He is contemptible for his meanness.
中文: 他很卑劣,实在可鄙。 更详细进入...
He's a scurvy wretch.
中文: 他是个卑鄙的家伙. 更详细进入...
Put the tip of your tongue against the upper gum, pronounce with weaker breath breaking through the obstruction.
中文: 发音时,舌尖抵住上齿龈,较弱的气流突破阻碍而发声。 更详细进入...
Isolation and attenuation of nephropathogenic avian infectious bronchitis virus X strain
中文: 嗜肾型传染性支气管炎病毒X株的分离和致弱培育 更详细进入...
He is an ignoble man.
中文: 他是一个卑鄙的小人。 更详细进入...
He is an abject liar.
中文: 他是个卑鄙的说谎者。 更详细进入...
Be confident, but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest, but avoid the error of self-contempt.
中文: 自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步;自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功。 更详细进入...
Development of an Attenuated Proventriculus-type Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus
中文: 腺胃病变型鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV-D971株)致弱的研究 更详细进入...
A man lacking courage and other qualities deemed manly.
中文: 软弱的男子,懦夫缺乏勇气和其它所谓男人品质的男人 更详细进入...
Courage is being the first to make up after an argument.
中文: 勇气,是跟朋友争吵之后,先握手言和。 更详细进入...
They resent it sometimes and make it evident.
中文: 对此,他们有时很气愤,并流露于言表。 更详细进入...
Generally, the chi will continue to move as one sleeps.
中文: 通常而言,当你睡眠时气将继续运动。 更详细进入...
Do not mix with vile characters.
中文: 不要与卑鄙的人交往。 更详细进入...
A sexy fragrance that expresses the charm and sensuality of modern men in an alluring way.
中文: 这种性感的香气,体现了现代男士那一股无法言传的帅气。 更详细进入...